Town locations and maps

Apr 14, 2008 11:26

Founded: 1909
Mayor: Richard Wilkins III
Deputy Mayor:Alan Finch

Sunnydale Syndrome:
For the most part residents just ignore the supernatural around them-until they feel fangs sinking into their necks. But every single one of them is affected in some way. It may take the form of an unprecedented interest in witchcraft, a peculiar taste in pets, or an addiction that leaves puncture marks not quite as fine as those from a hypodermic. Somehow it all hangs together. Sunnydale has its own rules, its own ways of going about things. Where else would the Chosen One live in a nice brick two-story on a quiet street? Where else would “circus folk” with “bad skin conditions” be so readily accepted while at the same time “gangs on PCP” ravage the community? There’s something special about Sunnydale, some basically good, decent quality that persists despite the vampires and demons.

Left to themselves, they would have to face it in some form, but the fact is that for the 100 or so years of Sunnydale’s existence, handpicked officials under Richard Wilkins I, II and III have been giving them excuses not to. These excuses range from bad things only happen to people who are “stupid” or “asking for it”; isn’t it good that we don’t have vagrants on our streets; every place has problems with drugs and crime these days and at least we’re addressing it. Oh, and the ever-popular “monsters aren’t real” clap-trap.

Take the Sunnydale PD, for example. Sunnydale’s finest are faced with a seemingly constant gang-related death problem, but these gangs must all originate out of town. Only occasionally is a local youth identified as a gang member, and she is invariably a runaway whom her parents haven’t seen in months. If they are seriously hunting these gangs, some patrol officers may wonder, why aren’t they gathering information and raiding any number of the numerous abandoned warehouses and factories that litter the townscape? Those with the power, the highest-ranking detectives and captains, must know precisely where their jurisdiction ends. Pity the budget cuts won’t let them extend patrols. Shame about all those prank calls from people with nothing better to do than waste police time with wild stories about the supernatural. A Cast Member could easily find her desperate plea to the officials be treated this way.

The local paper, the Sunnydale Press, is another important part of the conspiracy. Any article, no matter how well supported, is edited and rewritten to omit any supernatural references. That’s why there was no front-page article shrieking “Giant Blue Demon Killed By Rocket Launcher In Local Mall” in 78-point type. The reporters in Sunnydale are notorious in the underground for their efforts at covering up the truth. Those who don’t, wind up butting heads with their editors, who deride the journalist for daring to write an article about a dragon emerging from a bright light in the sky next to the odd new junk tower in the industrial district. The journalist may find herself forced to admit it was a joke, or that she needs to take a little vacation. Meanwhile the editor makes a phone call to someone in the Mayor’s office, and high-ranking city officials starting looking out for dragons in the Santa Ynez Mountains.

Then there’s County Coroner’s office, the people with the responsibility of examining the bodies of those who are thought to have died in suspicious circumstances and ruling on the cause of death. Those folks have to be hugely incompetent, seriously corrupt, or both. It wouldn’t be surprising if they weren’t actually human.

When something bad does happen, the mundanes are quick to forget, or to make excuses for what happened. They are anxious to get back to their 'normal life'.

Buffy (1630 Revello Drive)
Giles' Apartment
34 Cordelia's parents
35 Willow's Parents
49 Xander's Parents
50 Angel's abode

Sunnydale High
Master's Church
UC Sunnydale
8 Saint Michael's High
13 Miss Porter's School for Girls
18 Fondren High
29 Sunnydale Jr. High
38 Crestwood College
62 Kent Preparatory School

Sport and Entertainment
Rugg's Field
Tourist Strip
Joyce's Gallery
Mini Golf Range
4 Golf Course
9 Carousel
12 Sunnydale Icerink
33 Museum of Natural History
47 State Street Movie Theatre
54 Weatherly Park
Sun Cinema (see Main St Shops)
Entertainment Arcade (see Mall)

Night spots
The Bronze
17 The Overhead
41 Willy's Place
51 Makeout Park
59 The Sunset Club
58 The Fish Tank

Shops and Businesses
The Main St. Shops
The Magic Box
Sun Cinema
April Fools
The Espresso Pump
Central Business Area
The Sunnydale Securities Bank (central office)
The Sunnydale Press (never seen)
Social Services office
23 Doublemeat Palace
27 Sunnydale Mall
Entertainment Arcade
45 The Happy Burger
46 Calax R&D
48 Lorrin Software
55 Ben & Jerry's

Public Services
Army Base
The Dam
11 Sunnydale Mental Hospital
22 Sunnydale General Hospital
25 Police Station
26 City Hall
28 Fire Station
31 The Clock Tower
32 Hall of Records
61 City Dump
Social Services Office (see Central Business Area)

Churches and Cemeteries
Sunnydale Cemetery
Restfield Cemetery
3 Buffy's Grave
5 Sunnydale Mission (buried)
13 The Convent
15 Shady Hill Cemetery
Pyramid Tomb
24 Bison's Lodge
52 Sunnydale Funeral Home

Transportation and Accomodation
Sunnydale Airport
Sunnydale Train Station
Freight Terminal
6 Sunspot Motel
40 Downtowner Apts. Motel
42 The Sunnydale Arms
43 Bus Depot
44 Sunnydale Motor Inn

1 The Crypt of Amara (buried)
2 Adam's cave
7 Glory's Apartment
10 Trio's Original Lair/Warren Meers House
16 Shadow Valley Vineyard
19 Altar of Lurconis (buried)
20 Dracula's castle (not necessarily anywhere)
33 The Crawford St Mansion
36 The Church of Proserpexa (buried)
39 Spike's Lair
57 Cave of the Gnarl
60 The Factory
Hellmouth / Master's Church (see Schools)

Off the Map
The Caves of Nezzla'khan (North somewhere)
Westbury High (nearby town)
Grant High (nearby town)

maps, info, sunnydale

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