Jan 29, 2005 00:10
So this is for me, for the many, for the few. I sit and think sometimes, or talk to friends, about what I, we, want to do in our lives. We think of many things we want, or would like to accomplish: marriage, family, house, etc.
But there is this other part of it. We need a job, unless we are ridiculously rich, but we need a job in our society. The toughest part is deciding what to do, and how to do it. This is when it gets complicated. But essentially its not all that complicated. We have to go to college, i think most of us would agree on that in some form or another.and most people are going to go to college, and experience similar things to you and me.
People tend to get clouded and distraught in this step however of college. There are so many ways in which we can go its almost overwhelming. We are so used to being told to do things certain ways, but now it is time to decide our own way, and its hard.
The beautiful thing we forget is that we are human beings. We are extremely intelligent, not only now, but we also posess the ability to become more intelligent. We figured out how to fly, how to make nuclear bombs. We can do almost anything. The other beautiful thing is that most of us live in america and have backup in our parents and family, so well never probably be homeless.
So dont be afraid to do something you are interested in, even if youre not sure if its the thing you want to do or that youre most interested in. We are 18 and 19 and maybe 20 years old, there is plenty of time to re-do something. If one thing doesnt work out, then you could go back later and try something else. We have so much time in our lives.
I dont care what job you will have, youll need friends and companions, lovers, and family, so dont get rid of them, or lose them because they dont fit your plan for success. Are you even successful if you have nothing else but money? I think not. Enjoy what you have, and dont take it for granted.
Also, we all need more love in our lives. we need to care about our neighbors, our fellow countrymen, and fellow human beings on earth. We are all in this together. Its not you against the world as we've been brought of believing in our individualist capitalist society. You help, Ill help, theyll help, we all should make eachothers lives better.
Im sorry if none of this hits you, or is of any interest to you. Im sorry because you are part of the problem. You are contributing to the hurt of people all over the world. But you can change, we all can change. We can evolve and adapt, were humans. thats what we do.