[ An honest pause here, not to say his others aren't but this one is of surprise, as mild-mannered as his reactions often are but genuine nonetheless. ]
I believe you.
[ It isn't 'it's okay' or 'don't worry about it', but it is the truth and certainly makes the difference between Amory having a job and Amory, well, not. ]
[ He hates floundering to excuses, apologizing for what should be a simple task. This wasn't rocket science; showing up to work, mixing drinks, and performing to his optimum capability should be a more than feasible expectation.
[This time he has the pause in a fraction of a second that would go unnoticed by anyone but, well, himself, but it's quick thinking, quickness on his toes to practice even surprise into something undetectable that once helped him in kingship. It sounds simple in word and never actually is when put into play, but it's doable and he's had plenty of time to figure it out, as he continues to do in his time here.]
I'll get to the point: Do I still have a job?
[Pause. Mild sigh, the kind that involves him rubbing both temples not that that's a visible sort of thing.]
Of course. If you didn't, I'd have already informed you.
[ Another strained pause on his side, a loss of words, a sudden drop in control. ]
It's never intentional, I can promise.
I believe you.
[ It isn't 'it's okay' or 'don't worry about it', but it is the truth and certainly makes the difference between Amory having a job and Amory, well, not. ]
When do you expect you'll be work-ready again?
Failure in small degrees adds to a heavy sum. ]
I'll be there tomorrow.
I'll see you then.
You're welcome.
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