[Wandering out into the open area mostly for a change of scenery, Shinji took a seat close enough to talk to Kenya if the other wsa so inclined but hopefully far enough to not spread his germs.] Morning Kenya-san. Are you feeling ok? You looked really plae yesterday when I saw you in the hall, I hope you didn't catch this bug that's been going around.
[Kenya looked up at the flash of green, but there was no blue to go with it, so he just smiled at the other boy.] Nah, I was just...having a bad day, you know? These things just happen. Especially locked up like this.
You feeling better? I heard you got hit with it pretty hard.
That is true...but if you want someone to talk to on the weekends, come find me ok? And yeah I'm feeling a little better, thanks. I might actually get over this crap in a few days.
[Kenya smiled again, really there were some nice boys around here.] Thanks, Ibu. I appreciate the offer. I hear you are definitely the one to go to if you want talking.
[He leaned forward a little.] Does Kamio still think he can ever beat me?
Tch of course he does. [Shinji laughed slightly, careful to not let the action turn to a cough.]Kamio thinks he's the fastest guy in the world. Did you know he's training with a track club in addition to his tennis? He says it's insurance against you.
[Kenya's eyebrows went up.] Only *one* track club? Heh, good luck with that, Kamio. But hey, being second fastest isn't the end of the world. Good thing he isn't here, we'd be driving people nuts pretty darn fast.
But I'm sure that Koharu is keeping him busy back home. I'm sure the moment he heard that "Kamio-kun's" [his impersonation of Koharu's croon was pretty spot on] friend and occasional doubles partner was missing I'm sure he was on the first train to Seigaku. And without Inui there to check him...Heh, Kamio's probably getting lots of running in, right now.
[Shuddering at the accuracy of Kenya's impersonation, Shinji grinned.]Heh, I'm sure he is. No doubt he'll try to use Momo as a decoy. Or he'll just sic An-chan on Koharu and let her run him off. Assuming she doesn't decide to be his best friend all of a sudden. And when we get home I'm going to tell him you said that and see take a picture of the look on his face.
[Kenya shook his head.] I asked him once if he was faced with both which he'd go for, he'd stick with Kamio. As for An-chan, they already are close friends, her and Chitose's little sister. You do NOT want to go shopping with those three. I thought Gin-san and Tetsuo were going to faint...and it wasn't from carrying too much! They tried to get them in matching pink wigs...
And send me a copy of that picture, yeah? [He grins again.]
Wow, sounds like Kamio is screwed, poor guy. Maybe if we're lucky Kaidoh will get pictures of the whole thing. I don't want to go shopping with An-chan when she's alone but I still end up getting drug along by either Kamio or Kippei. Something about suffering together making it easier to cope. Tetsu in a pink wig? Are there pictures of this?
Absolutely, I'd be more than happy to. [Shinji grins.]
Kaidou? From what I know of him he's not the type to get pics...Momo on the other hand totally would! I've played doubles with him, back at U-17 camp, he's an okay guy.
Nah, [Kenya shook his head mournfully] we tried, but even Kuro was laughing to hard too get a clear shot. Every one of them came out blurry. And I know what you mean about suffering together...I've been dragged along with Kuro and his boyfriend when they go look at Gardens and Flowers and...[he drops his head with a dramatic sigh]...they do it just to torture me. They've even admitted it.
Normally I would agree with that about Kaidoh, but with the way he and Kamio bicker it wouldn't surprise me. Either way I'm sure one of them will document Kamio's torture.
Damn, those would have been awesome. But at least I can taunt Tetsu with the fact that I know about it, that alone will be more than enough to make him blush. Who is your captain dating that would drag you to look at flowers? That sounds terribly dull for someone so used to moving quickly.
Hopefully whomever takes them will be willing to share...hey, maybe Fuji, since he's not here anymore?
[He grinned, more wryly,] Yeah, actually I was asked by Kuro's mom to go with them as sort of a chaperone after the last time the two of them got 'caught up in the beauty of the flowers,' at the local botanical gardens. Really, they have no shame and take great delight in teasing me. [The quote was said in a voice that sounds...familiar.] It's tough being the third wheel on a date!
[Shinji nodded in agreement.]Being the third wheel is never fun. I've ended up doing that with Kamio and An-chan a lot. And the worst part is I know that they're using me as cover for if Kippei starts asking questions.
Yes, but they likely just hold hands and moon at each other. Kuro and Seiichi are sadists, I swear. [He looked at the other boy,] What, they seriously think they're pulling the wool over Tachibana's eyes?
That's what you think. Honestly if I wanted to know how to kiss a girl I'd be straight. I'm pretty sure they forget I'm there with them and start making out like no one can see them half the time. And yeah, somehow they think they have Kippei fooled. Of course he knows that Kamio is dating his baby sister, but as far as I know he isn't aware of how often they like to play tonsil hockey. But still, I'm sure having to watch that isn't as bad as what you've been through. You're a nice guy, but I don't envy you for that.
Eh, it's not so bad...at least now I know how to avoid many poisonous plants and b, I'm fast enough to avoid a security guard on a golf cart. [He shakes his head,] Don't ask. I'm pretty sure neither of them would be happy if I shared that particular story. And I was just the decoy...
You feeling better? I heard you got hit with it pretty hard.
[He leaned forward a little.] Does Kamio still think he can ever beat me?
But I'm sure that Koharu is keeping him busy back home. I'm sure the moment he heard that "Kamio-kun's" [his impersonation of Koharu's croon was pretty spot on] friend and occasional doubles partner was missing I'm sure he was on the first train to Seigaku. And without Inui there to check him...Heh, Kamio's probably getting lots of running in, right now.
And send me a copy of that picture, yeah? [He grins again.]
Absolutely, I'd be more than happy to. [Shinji grins.]
Nah, [Kenya shook his head mournfully] we tried, but even Kuro was laughing to hard too get a clear shot. Every one of them came out blurry. And I know what you mean about suffering together...I've been dragged along with Kuro and his boyfriend when they go look at Gardens and Flowers and...[he drops his head with a dramatic sigh]...they do it just to torture me. They've even admitted it.
Damn, those would have been awesome. But at least I can taunt Tetsu with the fact that I know about it, that alone will be more than enough to make him blush. Who is your captain dating that would drag you to look at flowers? That sounds terribly dull for someone so used to moving quickly.
[He grinned, more wryly,] Yeah, actually I was asked by Kuro's mom to go with them as sort of a chaperone after the last time the two of them got 'caught up in the beauty of the flowers,' at the local botanical gardens. Really, they have no shame and take great delight in teasing me. [The quote was said in a voice that sounds...familiar.] It's tough being the third wheel on a date!
[Shinji nodded in agreement.]Being the third wheel is never fun. I've ended up doing that with Kamio and An-chan a lot. And the worst part is I know that they're using me as cover for if Kippei starts asking questions.
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