Which Extremity of the World Are You?From the towering colossi at Rum and Monkey.(See? I told you I wasn't a shallow person!)
Nggghhaahhh!Grrr arrr Rum and Monkey.(....ug.)
Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?Brought to you by Rum and MonkeyCheck it out, you're an ABC Warrior!
In bars frequented by colossal death robots, you're always the quiet guy at the back who no-one ever bothers. And for good reason. You've fought in several nuclear wars, could beat the sun in a staring match, and have a chin larger than many articles of furniture. Morals are not a concept you understand, but strangely enough, nobody ever questions your judgement. Usually because they're dead. Even Judge Dredd wets himself when you turn up. Grrrr.
Which Horrible Affliction are you?A Rum and Monkey disease.*bites*