Jan 03, 2007 16:23
Who: Hoshigaki Kisame and Momochi Zabuza
What: Zabuza visits his favourite cousin for family bonding and relationship advice
When:: Yesterday
Where: Aquarium, where else?
Warnings: Beastiality, implications of rape, cursing?, SHARKS
The trip to Thailand had been cancelled at the last minute, and disappointed as Kisame was, it gave him time to catch up on the homework he hadn't done, and spending time with his baby. (Usagi-chan, the shark.)
The aquarium was normally closed, but it was open today, though no one was really visiting. Fish and other creatures weren't really a main attraction of Oshima, though in the summer there were school trips and things to the small place.
Sitting on the edge of the tank, Kisame tossed another fish at his shark, who was in heat (and thus very, very hungry.)
Strangely enough, in hopes of the silence he knew would occur(winter vacations are not often spent at an aquarium), Zabuza was drawn to the water. It was heated ever so slightly so the external temperatures did not shatter the glass- and so the tropical fish did not die. When he pulled out of his car, black and of European make, he had a lit cigarette between the upper and lower lip. There was a white scarf around his neck, and despite his dark outfit, seemed to blend in with the surrounding quite well.
There were many things on his mind at the moment, Sasori and Iruka being major factors, while the other was related to Haku. Each step was an eternity, and as he took the last long drag before entering the clean building(there were the occasional stain of road salts) he could feel how empty everything really was.
It was for this reason, he was quite surprised by the sounds through the tanked hallways. Workers, he assumed. There was the occasional person- but nobody of consequence. And nobody seemed to pay him any mind.
There is a small hookup in the building, so in the back rooms a small bell goes off whenever someone opens the front door. Kisame looks up from the tank and, since no one else seems keen on going down, gets up lazily, taking his time to get to the main hallway.
"Oi, otousan." he calls to his- cousin? uncle? Kisame never bothered to remember- his basketball coach, simply put. They were relatives, distantly- or something -and so he never bothered to address the man with any sort of formality, save when they were in school.
The lights were low, only a low-cast glow coming from the water tanks full of brightly colored fish, but the senior can tell something is off with the other man.
"..." Zabuza wasn't surprised just as he was not startled- though it was a strange shock to be found by the one he was trying to avoid(he knew just as well that Kisame worked here, as well as in a gang. One that Sasori was also part of). However, he gave a nod to the teen, and made his way to the stairs. No doubt Kisame was fawning over the shark(s).
Curious, Kisame enjoyed such a place- was his mother that insightful to know that her son would have a natural calling to the animal? Either way, Zabuza stepped over the black painted steps and counted the annoying clanks that each foot made.
"What're you doing here?" He asked. Kisame wasn't naturally talkative, but he followed in time with the other man- they understood each other on a certain level, and it was rare he got to talk to Zabuza.
He knew something was up, but to guess that Zabuza was involved was like picking the needle out of a haystack- just something he didn't think of.
Rather, it was a strand of hay out of a pile of needles. It was possible, but not the most opportune choice. "A bit of quiet." He spoke, not going into further details- he was sure that in less than a week's time, Kisame would be aware of the situations. "You can't smoke in here, I take it?"
He crouched low and gave the other a slight look. Perhaps eye contact was not something that would be gratifying at the moment.
"You'll set off the alarm." As imagined, it wasn't good for animals to be introduced to smoke.
"You can smoke on the roof, though." He said as an after thought. Kisame didn't normally smoke- maybe once a month, if the urge hit -but some of the other guys did on the roof.
"Hn. It's fine." He responded, staring deadpanned towards the large tank. Kisame had a calling to that shark-
"You skipped the last day, Kisame?" Amusement in his voice if nothing else, though he still sounded hollowed out and shaken. (Dear God. What was he going to do now?)
"Nope. I was there." Kisame was going to skip- well, technically he would be on a boat to Thailand, but when he'd gotten the call that something was up, he'd stayed behind. Kisame wasn't one to get in trouble just to be in trouble- he avoided it if he could.
Calling to the tank he had, and Kisame walked over the few meters to the edge, dangling his fingers in the water for a moment. She wouldn't bite him- but she did nip at the water, to which Kisame grinned. "Hey baby, how're you?"
The older man rolled his eyes but kept his seat on the foot of stairs. He watched as Kisame spoke to his muse(if you could call...her? that.), the shark swaying it's tail side to side with a slow graceful movement that the water would allow. Zabuza assumed the animal was lucky to be well taken care of and to have such a spacious environment. Common knowledge indicates that sharks will die if they are ever completely still.
He supposed it was an explanation for Kisame's ADHD like behavior(if not his own).
The shark only seemed to register that he was there, and whether or not 'Usagi' actually liked Kisame or not was debatable- but he liked to think she did. (Considering he could come near her without the promise of food, their relationship was special-)
Rubbing her scales with one rough hand, Kisame glances back up at the other human, and motions to a bucket of fish bait. "Grab that, will ya?"
The man heaves a sigh but does not protest. He lifts the chum by the handle of the bucket- obscurely staring at the touch that Kisame and(why Kisame had ever named it after a bunny was beyond him- though it brought other thoughts to mind) Usagi shared. "Doesn't it hurt to rub it the other way?"
He held the bucket out, expecting Kisame to take it off of his hands.
"Yeah- it'll cut your skin- well, your skin anyways. Not mine." Kisame had been born in the sea, on the sea- he was part of it and the ocean was a part of him.
He grabs the bucket with his free hand and tosses it into the tank, and the shark takes off after the shredded bits of fish.
"Hn. Why are you spending your vacation here?" First day or not, Zabuza knew that it was strange for a student to stay at work- he dismissed it however. Just as Zabuza knew a student's likely behavior, he knew Kisame's passion for the ocean- sea; whatever.
He leaned against the glass and shut his eyes. A lot had happened that day, and perhaps he would take Haku's lead and shoot himself up(he had been trying to get away with such a habit).
Kisame had Zabuza's class- everyone in the Akatsuki did, other than Leader-sama, so he knew (to some extent) that the way he was acting was off, to say the least.
"Family business." He said shortly, which explained most of it. Usagi came back for more, eyes red from bloodlust, and he smiles, splashing water at the shark, who only attempts to bite his hand off.
With that, he stands up, and walks over to the freezer, and next to it there is a cage with rabbits in it, and he pulls one out by it's ears, and tosses it into the water.
It was white, like the snow, and when it falls into the water Usagi is already eying it, and the rabbit tries to swim for maybe a few seconds before the shark grabs it in her jaw, and the sound of bones breaking crackles off the metal walls.
His eyes are wide momentarily. In which when the shark spies the flailing mammal and the dorsal fin was narrowing in, Zabuza has to look away. "Did you have to do that?" He asked, angrily, eyeing his younger cousin with distress. The man didn't really care for animals. He could live without them- and they, without him.
There was something however, the purity he spied and the intent he could see in the berserk ocean dweller, that mirrored something so- Zabuza rose an upper lip, though his pale scarf hid a good third of his face, at the thought of keeping Haku in a freezer. Simply entombing him in such a thin sheet of ice. His thoughts dwelled on Haku, as it was always Haku.
"That's why we call her Usagi." They'd been out of bait one day, and so Kisame had tossed in a rabbit of his sisters (much to her dismay), and since then they had given her the bunnies as treats.
It was odd, a sea creature eating a land mammal- they'd never met before, but the shark had taken instantly to the soft flesh of rabbit.
"What's wrong, Zabuza?" He asks after a moment. Kisame wasn't someone who normally cared- he was more one to let it come out on its own, but really- Zabuza shouldn't have been so affected by feeding a shark.
"I need a smoke." He breathed, walking back up the stairs.
He had hurt Haku, raped one of his students and beat a colleague. And nothing had happened yet. The police had not arrived at his door, there was nobody after him(as of yet) and everything seemed quiet. The paranoia he felt was something of consequence as he knew Kisame could feel that there was something wrong.
(But then again. If Kisame hadn't skipped, then he was one of the students who injured Haku and-)
The demon would never take the blame.
Kisame stays still for a few minutes longer, watching the blood in the water mix and fade, and after it does so he stands up, licking a bit of the blood from his hands. (Rabbit-?)
Kisame had no idea what Zabuza had done- to Iruka, to Haku, to Sasori, or to anyone. He didn't care much for the junior, in his eyes he was weak and worthless, and would be better off tossed to the fishes. As for Iruka he'd never met the man and Sasori was a comrade- and he would do as he was told, when it came time.
(Kisame wouldn't have lashed out- he may not have liked Haku, but malice was not something he took pride in- though, he hadn't stopped it either..)
"What's wrong." He says again, at the head of the stairs.
The blood, is nothing but the poison that he cannot remove. He simply ups the stairs, the usual clank! echoing after a step. "Shit day." He murmured after the question was repeated.
Kisame was always one to be passive- and so he wasn't angry at the teen, he was flustered. It was his own fault anyways. He cannot help but wait- "Where's the roof?"
"Straight up, second door." Kisame's metal boots clank on the floor as well- metal, non-slip, incase the concrete floor is wet.
"Yeah, that all? No girl troubles, I assume...?" Somewhere in the back of his mind, Kisame knew Zabuza had slept with the other boy on several occasions, but Haku was so feminine he'd come to know him as a girl.
Zabuza laughed a bitter laugh at such a comment. "Depending on what these 'troubles' are insinuating..." He smirked at the teen.
"Only as much as you want them to." He retorts, grabbing the door to the roof.
It's cold, and over-cast, and there is a small wind blowing. You can see the bay from here, and distantly you can see the Mainland, if you squint.
He makes a sound, a snerk, if anything. Well, what could you say to that?
The air that blew against his face was wet and his scarf caught into it lightly. He hummed and received a nod from the occasional worker(there was 4 on the rooftop) as he stepped over it. He sat down and reached into his jackets breast pocket- pulling out a finely packed box of cigarettes. "Kisame?" He asked, offering one after gracing his lips with the presence of the filter.
He shakes his head slightly- Usagi doesn't like the taste of tobacco on his hands -and sits on the ledge, watching a boat in the far distance.
"She- I mean, he got the crap beaten out of him the other day." Kisame had only seen Haku in passing, but he looked like shit.
"I know." Is the grim response. However, his lips quirk in the slightest as Kisame refers to Haku as a 'she'. Haku may as well be, though there was masculinity and testosterone somewhere in the pure boy. One thought led to another...- Wait, how did Kisame know he was talking about Haku?
Zabuza didn't specifically want to be reminded of that day, though he lit the smoke with a match and took a long drag, almost forgetting to smother the flame that was burning far too close to his hands.
It wasn't hard to guess. Everyone knew that Zabuza more than favored Haku- why, no one really knew (rumors of course, the most obvious being they were fuck buddies...) -including Kisame. "You don't care?" He doesn't really mind the conversation, and it almost surprises him that Zabuza would be so slack about his... thing getting trashed.
The shark only raises a brow when the match is dropped, and he turns back to the ocean.
"Hm." he pauses the breath of smoke leaving his nostrils. In a way, he looked like someone cartoon enough to pour his rage like an angry bull. He makes the typical sound an adult does after sucking in the arsenic from a tobacco laced roll- He droopily sighed a vocal whisper. It sounded like a terrible attempt at a whistle, but he turned his attention to Kisame and his question.
"I only made it worse." He replied.
Nothing so far as sexual conduct(regarding Haku) but simply the emotional damage; he had burned Haku's gentle frame and stolen everything of meaning. At the moment, Zabuza concurred. He both cared. And he didn't.
"I doubt that." Kisame's never been in a relationship- a serious one, anyways. "Girls are fickle; sometimes you have to give them a push before they understand." That much was true with his shark, anyways.
(Everything that was true in the animal kingdom was true in the human world, Kisame figured.)
Zabuza kept a raised brow arched. As curious as he was to what the comment was referring to, he was certain he didn't really want to know. Really.
"Supposedly, if you lived in a world where rape and force was smiled upon as a lesson-" He shot Kisame a glance. "You do realize Haku is male, right?" Either way, he balanced the stick of breathing chemicals between two of his fingers before bringing it back to his lips and taking a deep puff.
"I'm not so sure about that." Everyone said he was a boy- but seriously. One could never be sure.
"Well, I didn't say you had to rape her- it but maybe... you know, use some force." Kisame shrugged; his mother had always taught him to be nice to girls, but he doubted Zabuza would buy Haku flowers.
"Unless you bought her flowers, or something- girls like flowers, right?" It was worth a shot...
"..." Zabuza wouldn't go so far as to say 'REALLY Kisame. He is a He. I know.', but it was awfully tempting. The thought, Kisame didn't have a relationship- anything steady or a sprawling relationship with any guy or girl, so he was confused by the amount of advice he received from him. Insightful as it was, he really wanted to know where Kisame got all that from.
"Are you suggesting that I buy Haku... FLOWERS?" He stared wide eyed. Such a thought had never come to him. And ... it was... so...-
(Was Kisame giving him advice on how to seduce Haku... Forcefully?)
Kisame had never wanted a relationship- in his mind, girls were too much, and guys- well, he was defiantly straight. (He'd seen the way Shisui looked at Itachi, and he just couldn't do it.) He had his shark, and his boat, and if he wanted female company he could always call his sister- they were best friends, or as close as they could be, living in different countries all the time.
"Well... 'kaasan always said that girls liked stuff like that. Neechan likes cats an' puppies and stuff- maybe you could get a stuffed cat, or something?" A little give-and-get, right?
Zabuza rose a brow- perhaps Kisame wasn't as knowledgeable as he thought. Sighing the toxins from his body and to the wet air(it pulled the chemicals down to the ground and the smell was obnoxious enough to make Zabuza feel sick to his stomach. Luckily, he hadn't eaten anything all day) he turned to look at his younger cousin.
"The rabbit..." He started and then trailed off, sucking the last of the juice from the cigarette. It was already moist and it was beginning to make him dizzy. "Haku likes rabbits."
"Oh..." Well, that made sense to Kisame. (Seeing as he was a girl an' all.) "We have a few extra, if you want one." They kept a small breeding cage in the back for them, seeing as the mako female liked them.
The breeding of such an animal, with its fate already decided was unfair. Rather, it would be the same as nurturing a child's physical strength only to slice each of the limbs of with past purpose and planning.
Likewise, Zabuza was almost positive by the time he left he would have a rabbit under his arm. At least one would have a chance. "Your shark eats a lot." He commented, changing the subject from Haku. (Haku was a boy. A boy.)
"She's pregnant." Kisame says with a toothy grin. He could talk all day about Usagi, given the chance.
"Chose the mate m'self, even. There were a lot of 'em- female maiko's are rare, you know." Hard as hell to bait and even harder to catch.
"I'm sure you did." He murmured under his breath, referring to Kisame's 2nd comment.
There was something that was irreplaceable and the only thing that could be recognized as their family ties. The grins and teeth. They were sharper than the average person, though few paid it any mind.
"She killed him afterwards, of course. But still-" Usagi had been particularly hard to breed, and they'd gone through three different males before she accepted one of them, before eating him.
"Sheesh..."He sighed, offering one of his own grins, "Women."
Kisame laughs at that, and shakes his head. "You're tellin' me. I was almost afraid she'd end up passing the season by without mating." Bullshit, in his opinion- she was a fine shark, perfect for bearing offspring.
"She's the cold type?" He asked, hinting at a notion of teasing that he was sure Kisame would understand... after a moment or two.
He only snorted at that. "Lame. Very lame."
But true.
The man gave a slight nod. "Mm. How many pups?" He asked. Zabuza wasn't sure what the average birthing litter(or whatever you called it in affiliation of sharks)was, but he was intent on prying as far as he could.
"Oh, we dunno yet. I'm guessing around thirteen, even though twelve is the average." She had an uncommonly swollen stomach, after all.
If it wasn't the food pushing against her walls.
"That many? In one?" He asked, a yawn leaving his lips. He believed he was going to go for a drink later. The talk was helping him leave the thoughts of Haku.
"Yeah- they're only half a meter or so when they come out." Kisame could list off facts about sharks all day, if given the chance. "But you want a rabbit, or no? They're just muts, but there are so many- damned things mate every day..."
"It's not for me." He clarified, giving Kisame a shot of a glance. However he sighed. "But ya- Sharks are pretty damned cute." ("But tell me Kisame, your mother didn't give you all of your ideas revolving dating- where in the world did you decide force would be...") Unspoken or not, Zabuza was thoroughly amused.
He laughed at that, never once guessing Zabuza would call a shark 'cute'. (Even if it was true-) After a moment he stands up, wiping his hands. "Male or female?" He asks.
"Doesn't matter." Is the response.
He pulls open the door and starts back down the stairs, flipping a light-switch on as he comes back down. Once he gets inside, he goes to a corner, dark and damp, where they have the rabbits. A few of them cower in the corner, but one comes up to him and he grabs it by the ears, before hoisting it out. It's a female, black with two white spots- right over it's eyes.
When the elder of the two(ironically) makes his way down the dark steps he notices the rabbit that Kisame had chosen. And he also notices the hungry(-greedy) look that Usagi gives Kisame. "Alright, I'm going to head off."
He stepped in front of the teen, willing his hand down. GODS. He wanted to flip that shark off.
Kisame tosses the rabbit to him, and nods. "They eat carrots and stuff." He tells the other man, though he probably knows.
(They just feed them whatever, but for a healthy rabbit...)
"Thanks." He nods, petting the top of the rabbits head, trying to calm it. It's claws had dug into his arm while it was still airborne(squirming little thing).
"Now... When would that shark be due?" He asked raising a brow. Che, he had half a mind to stick his tongue out. This was his rabbit.
Not really caring what the human-holding-the-food was doing, Usagi backs up a few meters before sinking down, and Kisame snorts. "You might want to get away- she jumps-" but it's too late, and the shark is five feet into the air, and she lands with a thud on the floor.
"Get over there, Zabuza..!" He yells, pointing- if the other man doesn't act fast enough Kisame's pretty sure he'll end up being Usagi's next meal.
A large step backwards is taken and he holds the rabbit possessively. Damnit! He remembered when Kisame was all but a toddler(when he still talked with the better part of his family) and he had bit him. That's right even then...- But this was different.
The beached animal surprised him none the less and a good half of his lower body was covered by the spray.
Blabbering nonsense to the female in a very, very skewed voice, Kisame pushes her back into the water with a large splash, and tosses a rabbit in afterwards, to which she occupies herself.
"Stupid, don't wave food around a shark." C'mon, even the new guy knew that.
Zabuza let out a quiet sigh. No doubt the shark was going to try and eat the poor rabbit. "I wasn't. You're shark is just too nosy." He stroked the startled bunny in his arms and could feel it's body shuddering- then again, all rabbits did that. The didn't have to b scared to shudder. Perhaps there were just too many predators out there and it was just bunny nature to be fearful.
However, the look on Kisame's face sent Zabuza a message that it was his fault. Che.
"Bullshit." He says, grabbing a mop. There's no use for water to be there- it would only make someone slip.
"Now go give your girl her bunny before I change my mind and feed it to my baby for lunch..." She had enough food, but it wasn't going to hurt if she got an extra rabbit..
One again. This was his rabbit. He turned and held it protectively, or rather much like a child who's toy was to taken away. "Haku is a boy."
Then again, Kisame never really asked who it was. Haku just seemed to be the most obvious- in a way, Kisame was not soon disappointed.
Kisame waves him off as he continues to push water back into the tank, humming an old fisherman's tune.