Who: Azukari Sai (
sketchysmile) and Yokobue Tayuya (
akai_utaWhat: Tayuya finds Sai as it's getting dark, argues, teaches him how to fight, and makes fun of his...yes.
When: Probably from 9:30-10:30 PM
Where: Beach *_*
Warnings: Tayuya's mouth, a bit of violence, mentions of rape. The usual.
Tayuya hugged Deidara's thick jacket around her body as a cool breeze swept over from where she stood. As usual, she hadn't bothered to change out of her uniform, only choosing to parade around in her black Oshima skirt as she always did, and grabbing her friend's beige coat on the way out to keep herself warm against the October air. The area smelled like salt, the way an island always did, and distantly she could hear seagulls cawing something annoying over the sound of her own shoes crushing seashells as she walked across the beach.
It was cold. She didn't like cold. Guess I won't practice, she thought bitterly, the beanie on her head forcing her hair to not fly in every direction as a harsher wind rushed by, Fuckin' annoying, I came all the way out her for this bullshit?
She contemplated turning around and heading back to the apartment she shared, but at the moment she didn't feel like working on homework (if she wanted to graduate, she would have to at least scrape a C in all of her classes...) and she didn't want to eat anything, which would probably make Deidara worry. He already thought she was too skinny after all. So she kept on trudging through the sand, forcing down a headache as she reached the top of the hill she always could slide down if she balanced on her heels. A mass of black sat at the bottom, and she blinked, taking a few moments to recognize the back of his head.
"Oi! Azukari!"
Sai's pencil scratched over the paper, half drawing the scene in front of him, and half drawing a fantasy world. He inhaled the beach's scent as he continued, lost in the world he usually was whenever he drew. The day had been long at school and he was glad to have the night off work for a change - it seemed that lately they had been piling the shifts on him whenever they could, and it wasn't that he didn't enjoy working at the museum, it was just that nothing ever seemed to happen.
He turned the pencil around, rubbing out a line that wasn't perfect as he watched a seagull fly overhead. In the blustery wind he barely registered the shout from behind him, turning around about a minute later when he realized it wasn't a figment of his imagination. He looked up, noticing the telltale hair of Tayuya under the beanie and placing his sketchbook on the sand, irritated. "What do you want?" He shouted back, not really used to such volume, as he was a quiet person, even that short sentence strained his voice.
Tayuya smirked a little, sliding down on her heels until she reached him and plopping down to meet his side, not really interested in what he was drawing but more or less interested in him. She was the type of person who knew everyone, both by a good or bad reputation, and for some reason or another seemed to gravitate into conversation. Meeting his eyes, black, she notes, as they always were, her smirk twisted into a half-grin.
"You sure as hell haven't changed, Sai."
She meant it in every form of the word, too. He didn't look much different than he had as a freshman, and he wasn't acting much different either, running around Oshima clad in black and armed with a sketchpad. He belonged in a place like this, unlike bastards like Hyuuga Neji who weren't even artists. "Where the fuck have you been?"
Sai picked up his sketchbook again as she reached him, hardly interested in what she had to say, but listening anyway. His pencil sketched a flute on the drawn beach, quite old and battered in his mind, though you couldn't really tell by the vague lines.
"Haven't I? I suppose that's a compliment then..." He answered absentmindedly, looking at the horizon as the sun shifted behind the clouds - the ever elusive subject, light. He frowned at the clouds as she asked him about his whereabouts.
"I've been around, I just suppose you've missed me because I haven't been fighting someone to prove that I am yet another dickless wonder of the school."
Tayuya snorted. He was so arrogant. Half the time she wanted to destroy him, for Sai was blunt and annoying and he pisser her off. The other half of the time she just laughed, his comments about male genitalia never ceasing to amuse her, especially at his seriousness of the subject.
"And so you avoid fights because you're oh-so-prominent in cock?" She placed her chin in her palm and popped her neck loudly, a series of noises cracking through the air like gunshots. "That's fucking retarded. But I don't give a shit, your philosophies are goddamn hilarious, fucktard."
He winced at the sound of her neck popping, something he could never personally stand and looked up from the now finished sketch with a glare.
"I don't avoid fights, I just don't bother with them. It's a pathetic excuse to show machismo for those who are insecure about themselves." He replied. This girl just didn't know when to stop talking. "And I suppose you get in them so you can prepare for your sex change, hmmm?"
Tayuya grinned, opening Deidara's jacket and patting on her chest proudly. "No fuckin' way, I spent eighteen years growin' these babies, all by myself too. They're stickin around unless I have a damn good reason for ulterior motives." She took a moment to think about the real question. Why did she fight? Why did Tayuya Yokobue fight? It was just something that was. She'd grown up fighting, she'd die fighting, and maybe there was a certain amount of sadistic rush in seeing someone bleeding at her feet. "If I'm insecure then who the fuck is secure?"
Sai brought his knees up to his chest, black-clad arms wrapping around them, chin resting on his knees as he looked out to the ocean. Security...it was a strange thing, really. There was the security one thinks of when protecting their house, when they lock the door and turn on the alarms. There was that security one felt when one was with whom they considered a loved one. Sai thought of his brother briefly. He'd taught him about such security. There were thousands more types of security...no one could ever have all of them, really.
"I don't know..." He answered quietly, a far cry from his usual confidence.
Tayuya was a bit surprised at the sudden switch from Sai's usual, assish self to something a bit more sensitive. She turned her gaze to the ocean, watching waves crash into one another and white foam paint pictures no one on Oshima Island could ever quite create. "Heh. Damn right you don't. Emotional security makes us stable, even if we do unstable things to be secure, like kick each others asses." She bit on one of her nails, the black sharpie she'd scribbled onto them during second period having faded to a smudging purple. "I could teach you. Like, right now, how to throw a good punch so you don't get your ass raped. Oshima's fuckin' weird nowadays. People are fuckin' weird."
He looked over at her, indignant about the comment that he would get his ass raped. "I would never get ass raped, thank you very much." He replied. He changed his position, already bored with the fetal curl and stretched out along the sand on his back. Like Azukari Sai would EVER be uke to anyone (unwillingly anyway...). "But you can teach me your oh so fantastic technique of punching, if only so I can mock you."
Tayuya grinned.
Standing up and grabbing Sai's hand to pull him to a stand, she dusted herself of sand from her free one, and continued to speak. "Sai, your ass is rape-able. Anyone's ass is rape-able, especially a high school emo who wears belly shirts." Waiting until he was steady on his feet, she met his eyes, not much taller than him (Tayuya was only 5'5) and raising her fists in an obvious fashion. "Put your arms like this."
He brushed the sand from his back, ignoring the comment about being a high school emo. He raised his fists as she'd done, squatting slightly into position. He remembered these lessons from his childhood, though he never paid attention to them - one of his families had forced him into it, he couldn't remember which one. He'd preferred (and still did) to allow his hands to only be colored with paint, not bruises.
"Gotta keep your fists tight, if you don't bite your nails, then try and dig the bitches into your palms until it hurts." Tayuya told him clearly, digging her own into her palms until her hangs were stinging and her knuckles were a flaming color of white. "Don't watch the other person's fists or knees, look at their eyes, and put on the scariest fuckin' expression you can. Fighting's more psychological than anything." As she said this, she met his eyes, her own darkening with the intent to kill she always wore when she fought anyone. Tayuya was deathly serious when she fought, for in her mind it was as much an art as the flute she played or the sketches that filled Sai's notebook. "And in the second they look scared, BAM!"
She struck out, thin arm packing what would have been a very painful punch to be on the receiving end of if she hadn't aimed for the air next to his ear. "One fuckin movement, fast as you can, hard as you can, put everything you've got behind it. A half-assed punch leads to some bad shit."
He nodded, examining his hands carefully as she talked. "Fair enough for psychological warfare, but isn't it rather unwise to ignore what they are using to hit me with?" He asked as he practiced the fist. "I have certain areas of my body I would quite like to keep uninjured, if that's alright with you." He didn't bother to change his expression, instead throwing a rather lazy punch at air.
"I was getting to that." Tayuya told him coldly, punching again with a dangerous closeness to his ear to keep him attentive. Perhaps one day he might use this. She certainly would have killed for someone to teach her how to fight, but there had been no one to help her with that one, so as a little girl she taught herself how to make boys cry without any help but her own observation. "Defense. Since you've got a cock, keep your upper thighs tighter together, but always open enough to where you can kick whenever you need to. Kicking is a good defensive move; it keeps the other fucker distracted while you can ready your arms for a good punch. Some bastards say kicking is a bitchmove, but it's one of the best. You know how to kick good, right?"
He dodged the punch reflexively, eyes still passive as she explained the defensive stance. He adapted it and yawned opening, only covering his mouth out of ingrained manners. "My kicks are nothing spectacular." Perhaps he was being too modest there, but he demonstrated a roundhouse easily. "Bitchmove or not, it works for people, apparently. It's usually the ones who were kicked in their small penises who say such things anyway."
Tayuya rolled her eyes, the comment distracting her from the kick she was about to teach him as she put her hands on her hips. "Take off your pants if you're so spectacular, you fucker. Considering it's all you ever talk about I'm sure you must be very proud of what the fuck ever is under your asspants."
He looked at her, slightly shocked, though not surprised - and not entirely sure how one can be one without the other. "In public it would not be a wise decision, I've kept a clean reputation with the cops for so long, I'm not getting done for something as immature as public indecency. Sorry, darling, you don't get to be my slut."
Tayuya sighed in mock drama, putting the back of her hand to her forehead and staring at the sky, which had darkened to something deep as night began to set in around them. "Well damn, though the terms of endearment, 'darling' and 'slut', make a nice touch. I swear to god I've used them in your mentions too!" She smiled a sardonic one as she met his gaze, before returning to seriousness. "And off the topic of your scrawny cock, let's work on your kick."
He growled at the term scrawny cock - of all things it was, that was CERTAINLY not amongst them. His eyes actually seemed to hold some fire at that comment. He resumed position. "I am not Uzumaki, my cock is anything but scrawny, shemale."
Tayuya laughed at him. She couldn't help it, but his defensiveness of the subject was pretty damn funny. "I don't know who the fuck Uzumaki is, which means he's a freshie, and if you're comparing yourself to a goddamn freshman, then you must be really lacking. Damn Azukari, you've gotten sad."
"You must really have been out of the loop, possibly worse than me. He's that irritating little thing who keeps shouting about himself like there's no-one better." He replied.
Tayuya laughed again. "Hypocrite much?! You're the one who's saying your cock is a goddamn majesty or what the fuck ever you think it is. This Uzumaki kid sounds like a bitch, but hardly worse than you. Besides, I won't believe the cock deal unless I've got a visual." She grinned a little. He was getting riled, and the way this was going he'd crack, in some form of the word, pretty soon. What he would do when he cracked, however, was all in time, and that's what makes mind games such as these so entertaining.
He dug his nails into his palms, damn this girl really got under his skin. But with a smile he turned away, picking up his sketchbook and starting a new drawing. Abstract art was always good to calm him down, he knew getting angry would only cause trouble, and not for others, which is the only type of trouble he liked.
She had two options. Press him until he broke or head home in time for Deidara to not over think her being out too late. She checked her watch. Ten thirty. Sun set so late on the island it was hard to tell. Sai had begun to bore her as well with his heinousness. Punching him lightly on the top of his head, she turned with home in mind. "Practice your punch, it's as weak as whatever's in your pants, asshole." Raising a hand and forming a peace sign with two fingers, she went on up the hill.
What a marvelous way to kill time.
He glared as she left, continuing to sketch. This was supposed to be an abstract, but it looked far too accurate to him as he studied the demented version of Tayuya. Sai was still irritated by her attitude to him, though glad someone in the school was capable of trading decent insults with him.