Jul 10, 2006 04:08
Teacher: Suneku Orochimaru
Class: Technology
Periods: All in first semester
Grades: All
Orochimaru strolled into class a few minutes later than the students. While writing up on the board 'Professor Orochimaru Suneku' he introduced himself. "I'm Professor Ssuneku." He turned towards the class. "Those who get to know me may call me Orochimaru. I have a sseating arrangement, please move to your assigned sseats." He called out the seat assignments:
Professor Suneku
He waited for them to move to their seats. "Welcome to Technology." He smiled at the class. Despite being a tad creepy, he was generally nice to his students even if his classes were hard.
"This class will be challenging." He handed out the syllabus to each student. "It will be fast paced and I expect each of you to put in your best effort. If you don't, you will not pass." His smile shifted into a wiry smirk. "I do encourage extra credit if you desire to pass." He walked back up to his desk and placed the extra papers in his attache while grabbing a different set of paper.
"Today we are going to get to know each other." He began to pass out lined pieces of paper. "You are to write your name along with a paragraph about the things you like, your hobbies and interests. Then I would like you to write a paragraph about how technology affects your daily life." Placing the extra papers back in his attache, he smirked before continuing. "Then we will sshare what we wrote with the class and discuss it."
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