Title: Snippets (12)
Pairings: Oshitari/Gakuto.
Guest Stars: Rest of Hyoutei.
Rating: PG-13, for gay pairings.
Disclaimer: Prince of Tennis is created by Konomi Takeshi. This work is a piece of fanfiction and no part of it is attributed to Konomi-sama or any other entity holding any legal right associated with and arising out of Prince of Tennis .
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Comments 8
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Natto is this, well, dish of beans that are in a fermented state. When the beans ferment -- I'm not too sure of the exact process -- it forms this slimy, gooey, stringy white mess that looks like someone sprayed cheese all over the beans. I was in Tokyo last year. I did NOT enjoy it. >_<
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=D Since he doesn't like the smell, I figured the mask idea might help.
I know the work is sometimes is too tired, but little fics with gakuto and yuushi make my day! Arigato!!!
Oshitari's really working hard to make things...be a little more pleasant :) It's really sweet of him. And I like how Gakuto's so commonsensical...and practical...and how the rest gave their two cents, too :D
Gakuto's known Yuushi for ages. By now, he's accepted that Yuushi and natto don't mix too well. ^_________^
Yeah, after as long as they've know each other I'd expect that they'd reach this sort of point.
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