Декларация Коммунистической партии Израиля о солидарности с народом Сирии.

Sep 05, 2013 20:50

Декларация Коммунистической партии Израиля о солидарности с народом Сирии.


Statement of Communists and Workers’ parties against the imperialist attack against Syria

We, the communist and workers’ parties, express our solidarity with the Syrian people and denounce the military attack against Syria which is being prepared by the imperialists of the USA, NATO and the EU together with their allies in order to promote their interests in the region.


We reject the pretexts of the imperialists which, as was demonstrated, were also used in the war against Iraq and in the other imperialist wars against Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Libya.

We call on the working class, the peoples all over the world to oppose and condemn the new imperialist war, to demand that the governments of their countries have no involvement in and do not support the criminal military offensive.

Communist Party of Albania
Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism
Communist Party Of Australia
Communist Party of Azerbaidjan
Democratic, Progressive Tribune, Bahrain
Communist Party of Bangladesh
Communist Party Of Belarus
Workers’ Party of Belgium
Communist Party of Belgium (Wallonia-Brussels)
Communist Party of Bohemia And Moravia
Communist Party of Brazil
Brazilian Communist Party
Communist Party of Britain
New Communist Party Of Britain
Communist Party Of Canada
Communist Party Of Chile
Communist Party of Cuba
The Progressive Party of the Working People - AKEL, Cyprus
Communist Party in Denmark
Communist Party of Denmark
Communist Party of Finland
Unified Communist Party of Georgia
German Communist Party (DKP)
Communist Party of Greece
Hungarian Workers’ Party
Tudeh Party of Iran
Communist Party of Ireland
Workers’ Party of Ireland
Communist Party of Israel
Party of the Italian Communists
Jordanian Communist Party
Socialist Party of Latvia
Socialist People’s Front of Lithuania
Communist Party of Luxembourg
Communist Party of Malta
Communist Party of Mexico
Popular Socialist Party of Mexico
New Communist Party of the Netherlands
Communist Party of Norway
Communist Party of Pakistan
Palestinian Communist Party
Palestinian People’s Party
Philippine Communist Party [PKP-1930]
Communist Party of Poland
Portuguese Communist Party
Communist Party of the Russian Federation
Communist Workers’ Party of Russia
Communist Party of Soviet Union
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
Communist Party of Slovakia
Communist Party of Spain
Communist Party of the People of Spain
Sudanese Communist Party
Communist Party of Sweden
Syrian Communist Party
Syrian Communist Party [Unified]
Communist Party of Tadjikistan
Communist Party of Turkey
Labour Party of Turkey (EMEP)
Communist Party of Ukraine
Union of Communists of Ukraine
Communist party USA
Communist Party of Venezuela
Communist Party of Workers of Belarus
Danish Communist Party
Communist Workers’ Party of Finland
Pole of Communist Revival, France
Union of Revolutionary Communists, France
Communists People’s Left-Communist Party, Italy
Activist Group Shiso-Undo, Japan
People’s Resistance, Moldova
Galician People’s Union, Spain
Party for Socialism and Liberation, USA

политика, коммунизм, ХАДАШ, солидарность, партии, Израиль, Сирия

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