May 21, 2005 13:01
An Elephant With a Beard
Wouldn't it be weird,
To see an elephant with a beard?
Would it say "hey,"
Or just "have a good day"?
What would it wear,
And would it have any hair?
I think its beard would be gray,
And it would eat hay,
Just like the horses do,
Except without any shoes.
What would you think,
If the elephant was pink?
Does it even weigh a pound?
Either way I haven't found,
Why I even wrote this poem,
Because it isn't even snowin'.
It's just another day,
Passing without play.
But still, try to think about this,
While you're out doing something amiss,
Wouldn't it be weird,
To see an elephant with a beard?
i was just a regular t.s. eliot back in 7th grade. or maybe it was dr. seuss