Yes, I've taken a bit of a hiatus from LJ of recent. I apologize for not communicating this properly until now and I am truly sorry if I have lost some of your friendships in the process. That was never my intention and I do hope you all can forgive me. If not, I completely understand.
So, there is a point to this post aside from my unashamed groveling, and that is the announcement that the my LJ account here is going to soon becoming a storehouse for fanfic only. Due to recent changes in my life (all good, I promise, but good things can be mighty time-consuming), I have decided that I instead will be closing down this social media platform to a fanfic journal only and will instead have my own personal blog on Tumblr, which I think will fit my current state much better than LJ. I have yet to set this up, but once I do, I will make my final personal post here and let you know my Tumblr handle, should you wish to follow me there. I would surely welcome you too :)
I'm sorry if this causes anyone here any inconvenience, but I think this is truly the best decision from here on out. For those who may like to use A03 instead, I do have an account there now and I am in the slow process of transferring my fic from this site over there. I imagine in the days going forward, I'll likely be more active on that site, simply because it is generally more user-friendly to authors than either LJ or FFN. If you would like to poke around my account there now, please feel free to do so
I'll be in touch soon, my lovelies!