This is what is going on with me at the moment:
- I am missing a pair of nice brown shoes, the bag for my travel Scrabble tiles, the charger to my fake pod. I do not lose things easily. I think this house eats my stuff (it is way cluttered)
- I am not yet sick of working a minimum of 5 hours everyday of the week. Wait a few days and I may start losing my mind. We'll see.
- I am in love and I enjoy this state of being very much. Props to Dana.
- I am annoyed with myself for not reading enough (both fiction and non-fiction). Fiction for it's relaxation and entertainment qualities. Non-fiction because I would like to remain a somewhat intelligent, informed person even though I am no longer attending a higher education institution. I WILL read soon.
- I am wondering if I am 'bullet-point happy".
- I am contemplating what to do about an obnoxious co-worker. I think he is flirting with me. Not sure. I think he is kind of perverted. Again, not sure. Whatever he is, I feel uncomfortable every time he talks to me. He really wants to Facebook [read: stalk me like a crazy mofo] so I'm glad he doesn't know my nickname. He shan't find me. I think my privacy settings wouldn't allow him to find me on Facebook anyways. Yay stalker-preventive privacy settings!
- I am also contemplating eating healthier. Just contemplating so far. My willpower towards food is pretty wretched. Potato chips, candy, cookies...oh my. All this talk about heart disease is getting to me. My grandma on my mother's side died at 35 from some sort of heart issue. She probably ate really healthy, too, because that's how a lot of filipino relatives roll. Maybe GENETICS could kick my heart's ass if I do not take some preventive measures.
Okay, I am done sharing boring tidbits of my life. Au revoir.