(no subject)

Aug 23, 2006 20:04

My mom has always been the perfect alarm clock. For years, she would make sure I was awake in time for school. Of course, I never liked getting up for school.
But my mother managed it, probably because she can be so damn annoying when she wants to be. She would shake me and tell me to get up, then leave the room to get dressed. As if on a timer, she would tell me to get up ever minute or so, she didnt scream it, which was probably the worst thing. She would tell me, her voice would start off quiet and with each word she said, she got a little louder. It was annoying, cause just when I thought I could fall back asleep, she would say it again.
After I'd had enough of it, I would get up, throw my uniform pants on, my uniform shirt, tuck it in, and rinse my mouth out with Lysterine (i was too lazy to brush). When she saw me, she would smile sweetly while in her scrubs and say something like "good morning, sweety" as if she hadnt been torturing me ten minutes before.
My school was on the way to her work, so I would get a ride to school, (not that i needed one, seeing as i was perfectly capable of walking). Sometimes, I would get there earlier than school started (8:15am) so I would hang out in Morning Extended Care.
I wouldnt be there long, mind you, cause I didnt get up THAT early. (it started at 7:00am, an unheard of morning hour to me, at the time). I could always count on Brit being there though, she always amazed me with her ability to rise so easily in the morning.
Anyway, I could always count on her (and usually Joey, too) to be there watching Transformers in the parish house. Bill showed up on occasion too, but it was normally Brit and Joe. Joey Kuhar was my best friend for a while in grade school. He was a pretty cool guy, and I think I had a tiny crush on him at one point, but nothing serious. He was so hyper though, and that kinda irritated me sometimes.
Then, we would get kicked out of the parish house and onto the fields to wait till we could go inside the building. We would line up by class to go inside, and the quietest line would go first, and the loudest would go last. Keeping quiet sounds simple, now, but back then, it was a chore. I remember one time I was arguing with Jimmy in line, whispering, and the argument got so intense that we were almost screaming. Our line went in last, and everyone gave us the evil eye. The classes that went first would often brag too, sticking their tongues out at the other lines, as a sign of their victory.
The grade below us was always the worst. They were just so obnoxious and rude. Although, back then, mixing between grades was almost unheard of. Barely anyone was friends with people in the other grades. At least for me, anyway. Looking back, I wish it wasnt like that, cause it was stupid. Now look at me! I have tons of friends that are Alumni, Seinors, and Sophmores.
Well....Acuaintences, really. I've been trying to keep my spelling and grammar up in this, but I'm too fucking lazy to look that word up and see if its spelled correctly. Sue me.
In Redeemer, because you didnt associate much with other grades, and your classes were less than 25 kids, you got very intimate with your own grade. Even if you didnt like some people much, you knew them really well, and you knew what made them tick.
This one kid, Josh Newton, I hated that kid, he was annoying as fuck and he was also a snobby, whiney bitch. If I knew the kid now, I prolly wouldnt mess with him, because I couldnt bring myself to consiously bully someone. But back then, man, did I love pushing his buttons. I was a Detention away from being suspended in 4th grade because of him.
One time, he even called me gay. I know, right? I remember exactly what he said, still. He said "So, Steve, have you had any lasting relationships with men lately?" You could just tell he was a stuck up prick by how he talked.
I always knew I was gay, but the thought of coming out to my friends an family was horrifying. I remember having a 'crush' on two girls in the grades above me. Brittney Heffner, and Shannon Lochner. I guess that foreshadowed my future taste in men, seeing as one was Asian and both were Gothic.
I also dated Britany for, like, a year. But that relationship was a joke. A really, really funny, ironic joke. I could pretend to be straight, and have a relationship with someone I really cared about, at the same time. It was also perfect, cause Brit never wanted to make out or hold hands or any of that stuff. I was safe.
I also dated Janelle, but that, regretably, ended vfery shortly after it had begun. Even at an ealry age, the Drama was constant. Especially around Hollis Hancock.
Now theres a girl I wouldnt mind hitting. Probably because she could probably defend herself better than some guys I know. She was a beast of a girl, even in 4th or 5th grade. I even saw her recently this summer, and shes still got a few inches on me.
I remember how she would play Basketball and tear up the court. Now, I never watched the games, sports always bored me, but from what I was told, she was a serious threat to everyone on the court, including her team mates.
One time, she roally fucked up this girl Erica's knee, playing. Now, Erica sustained a major injury, and wasnt able to play basketball for a while after that. The best part was that Erica was on Hollis's team. I dont recall if Hollis got in trouble or not, but I highly doubt it. She had the coach (Mr. Hoffman) eating out of the plam of her hand. He was tight with her parents, thats why.
Urgh, her parents. No, scratch that, her Mother. What a bitch. I remember, in 8th grade, I was working on the Yearbook after school with Brit, Janelle, and Bill. At the time, Hollis had done something really stupid, i forget exactly what it was. But the Entire class had a meeting on it, cause it caused a lotta drama.
OH! duh, how could I forget. It was The Valentine's dance. People were voting for a King and a Queen. I think I might have been the original King, I forget, but I remember Hollis had tried to rig the voting so she would win Queen. It was obvious she rigged it, too, so the judges just gave the titles and prizes to our guests (i forget what school it was, but it didnt matter)
Anyway, when she was confronted about it, Hollis denied everything and cried like a baby. This prompted the Teachers to call a class meeting in Mrs. Kruvczuk's room. I remember this one bitch teacher, Mrs Meder, just waltzin in like she owned the room, sitting in Mrs. K's chair, and started eating a fucking Chocolate bar. The issue was addressed, and everyone really avoided it, except Bill. Bill spoke out what everyone wanted to say and got Hollis in trouble (provolking more tears form her).
Anyway, we were at yearbook, right?
Dont you know, Hollis's mom walks in and takes Bill out in the hallway and chews him out realllll good. What a bitch. I remember standing really close to the doorway so i could hear the conversation. How low can you get? A grown woman, reprimanding an 8th grader for something that should have been done. Bill's dad flipped out about that. I forget the details of the issues, but there was always tension between those sets of parents.
Bill's dad always had him busy, with 8756876 sports at a time and such. Bill never really had time to hang out with us, cause there was always a game the next day and he needed his sleep. It was so bad, that he didnt feel like a friend anymore. He was also drifting into the drama that was the grade below us, which really upset Janelle, cause she was in on that drama too, cause her sister was in that grade.
Toward the end of 8th grade, Janelle chewed him out reall good, yelling at him for being an asshole and such. He hurt her the much, I think. She had a crush on him, and he refused to go out with her because she was half black. What a dick, right?
She yelled at him, it was during the Fair. Every year, at the end, Redeemer had a Fair on its grounds. We (the 8th graders) had already graduated, but were still allowed to attend. She told him that she would bet a hundred bucks that none of us (Me, Her, Brit, ect) would see him again after that day.
She was right.
I havent seen or heard from him since that day.
He was the first friend that suddenly dissappeared out of my life, but it was ok, cause it didnt hurt that much. I dunno why, but losing friends back then didnt hurt that much.
But lemme tell ya something..
It sure hurts a hell of a lot now.
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