Nov 22, 2006 10:52
Only two days of school this week. That's noice.
I thought about my childhood a lot. It makes me miss my dad a lot because I remember going just about everywhere with him. Even if it was just to the grocery store down the block. The same block I've been living on since the begining of my time. Ha. Ma block. I remeber going to the yankee games. Going to his softball games and playing with all his teamates kids when I was about 4 or 5. I remember how obsessed I was with the Power Rangers and how I would purposely dress in red and tell my dad that I was the red ranger but he couldn't tell anyone because my identity was to be kept secret.
I'm looking forward to christmas and snow. I love the winter. I just hate it when it cold out and there isn't anywhere to go.
Only 3 weeks left of school for me then hello month and a half vacation. I need to study a crapload for my finals. I can't screw up if I want to go to City College or Hunter. Erf.
My braces come off in 4 to 6 months. Retainers will be my new best friend. Atleast those are removeable. All I have to do to expirence the feeling of not wearing braces anymore, which I forgot what that feels like cause it has been so long, is not die. I'll try my hardest.
Offsetism. That might be what the record will be called. That's just what we like so far. We might change it. We came up with other names like "Songs Of Worship" because we are such a christian gospel band. Another one was "16 10 Seconds Songs" yet the cd will have less than 16 songs and each at an avg rate of 2 and a half min. If plans go well then on December 15th we will be releasing a 3 song sampler of the LP to give out for free to promote the cd which will be out in the spring.
We want that cd sampler everywhere. I mean everywhere. Like fucking everyone in thr world to own a copy. Ok that's impossible but just because of the fact that it'll be free it shouldn't be too hard to get into the hands of the masses.
My miss some of my friends I haven't been with in a long time. Well just 2 friends. I got no friends. I'm not complaining.
I saw Let's Go To Prison on Satuday night with Jenn and Mashit. It was the only thing we could see cause Borat was sold out at 68th street and the theater on 84th had gay movies playing at inconvenient, time slots. There were only like 5 other people seeing that movie. Hnmm...god promotion for the movie? It wasn't even that great. It had its funny parts but it def wasn't anything amazing. I'm sure it got some pretty bad reviews. Dax Sherperd isn't that funny.