Jun 01, 2009 03:54
ALL due by August.
Stop my mouth habit (this has been meh)
Whiten my teeth (need to do this over summer)
Weight 170/175 pounds (no progress until meal plan--summer)
Splits Center (Have new information, recently started, WIP)
Splits Side (Have new information, recently started, WIP)
Toe Touch Palms (Have new information, recently started, WIP)
Keep skin clear and moisturized (going well, PASS.)
Drink at minimum 70 oz H20 a day (This has been active about 80% of the time, a huge improvement for me, all in all a PASS)
Sleep Schedule from 3am-10am (hahaha no. FAIL)
Hellblazer (10 eps/250, WIP)
Atlas Shrugged (FAIL)
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and its Attainment (2/3, WIP)
The Evil Eye (FAIL)
the Kaballah (FAIL)
House of Leaves (2/3, WIP)
Dæmonology (FAIL)
Lady Sheba's Book of Shadows (FAIL)
Liber Null (FAIL)
5 chapters (FAIL)
25 lyrics (FAIL)
Pop Shove it (FAIL)
Kickflip (FAIL)
Consistent Ollie down the stair set (FAIL)
Consistent Ollie up the planter at SSPlaza (FAIL)
play 100 games (54, marked improvement, WIP)
5 solo projects (FAIL - summer)
10 completed band songs(FAIL - summer)
Declare a major(literally doing this this morning)
GPA>3.0 (no idea lol)
Know all 3 work stations (PASS)
Get a raise (imminent)
Project (FAIL - Possibly abandoned)
Finish Silent Hill 2 (FAIL)
Finish F.E.A.R. (FAIL)
Music Games
Top 500 on GH3 (FAIL)
99 Go60 (FAIL)
99 Energizer (FAIL)
99 HotN (FAIL)
90+ Vertex2 (FAIL)
90+ a Dragonforce chart (FAIL)
5 more quads (FAIL)
Top 50 on GS (77th)
50 charts (60% WIP)
Originals pack 1 (100% PASS)
DDR pack (50% WIP)
Mid Season Goals
Watch LOST (80% WIP)Read Snuff (100%)
Read Diary
Read Haunted
Read Invisible Monsters (3/15)
Read the Hellboy Comics
Top 20 on ThroneIt's Ranking system. *Current ELO needed:1800. Present ELO: 1615. Rank: 40*