Nov 25, 2006 17:41
Okay! Let's clear a few things up, because goodness knows that all of this is confusing. Norman has been, since early September, depowered and employed by SHIELD, in conjunction with canon. He's also been acting, as seen in Civil War: Front Line, as a sort of double agent for... some unspecified shadowy figure, who has a means of neutralising the nanites SHIELD injected into Norman, to monitor and control him.
Integrating this with Nexus stuff has been... interesting, to say the least, as SHIELD is... not the sort to leave well enough well alone, with things like that. Norman has been negotiating fast and furious to keep them out, in fact, and keep the Nexus neutral ground for Pro and Anti-Regs alike.
In Front Line #7, Norman was shown attacking a warehouse full of Atlantean agents, and then, apparently, going on the run from SHIELD, protected from the nanite control by his shadowy benefactor. And after that, apparently, he... well, spoilers for Front Line #8. >_>
I'm altering this a little for Nexus things, with Wonder Man not seeing Norman at the bombing, and no one figuring out, immediately, that Norman was the one behind it.
A day or so ago, SHIELD finally figured it out, through forensic something or other. Norman was tipped off, the nanites have been neutralised, and he's gone on the run. (Though SHIELD is still keeping that he isn't still in jail under wraps, of course.)
Right now, he's in the Nexus -- doing things, until I can have other things happen. >_>
Hope that clears things up, just a little?
civil war