Aug 08, 2011 18:22
It's the maniacal laughter that he hears in his nightmares. Sure, are glimpses of masks. Laughter and masks, but it's the laughter that sounds like some twisted song. His father hadn't been one for laughing much as Harry was growing up. Norman was all business. There was too much to do to see the humor in life.
The Green Goblin found everything funny. Even his threats were laced with the laughter of insanity. Harry wishes he could chalk the insanity up to the formula his father created. Say it was the drugs that made Norman crack it. He knows better thought.
Insanity runs through the blood.
Harry's laughed the maniacal laughter of his father. Not often, but it's there. Sometimes. Usually when it's all just too much to take. The other laughter, the usual laughter that has been coming out of him since he was a boy, is his mother's. Emily Osborn had a laugh that was musical too. Except it was something beautiful. It's something Harry can still remember about her in his dreams.
His children laugh easily in his reality. Sometimes they sound like him when they crack up. Sometimes they sound like Kara and Natalie. A little reminder that blood is important, sure, but Norman's reach doesn't have to extend beyond everyone else. It's the reality that Harry tries to hang on to.