Hi there, friends!

Aug 01, 2011 14:35

Hello LJ! Having a decent enough summer here so far. Figured out how to make tamogoyaki in a round frying pan, doing a lot of gardening, read a couple of books for the first time in a LONG time, forcing myself out on little adventures here and there with the kiddo to keep from fretting myself into another deep dark hole. We've had the pickup truck this past week instead of my Honda, and that has kept us closer to home. It's huge & terrifying to park and uses a lot of gas, so pickup weeks tend to be lower in adventure and higher in anxiety, but at least we can hang out on the back porch when my nerve fails, as it tends to pretty easily.

Waiting to hear back about Leo's SSI application--Ty might make too much for us to qualify, but it seems like every single week we get some new medical bill or other for him, $150 here, $50 there...not to mention all of the copays for his therapists, GI doc, etc. etc. He's doing OK in that he's healthy and his typical super happy little self, getting much stronger and more coordinated and chattering my ear off. Where we aren't so OK is still where eating & barfing is concerned--we went out for sushi the other day, and he was rocking his miso soup with tofu and eating a lot of his dad's ramen noodles, but then threw up all over himself. There's a new feeding therapist coming into the picture, we are hoping that she can help us get back to where we were a few months ago from where we are now, where typically the only things we can get him to eat & keep down are crispy puff things and graham crackers.

So anyway. Keeping myself busy today with a baking project, making dinner which I'll probably eat alone as Ty is going to be working late again, going to a baby swimming lesson, and maybe taking a trip out to the Portland Nursery for some broccoli starts, if I can overcome my truck fear.
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