Birthday boy, originally uploaded by
This little guy is a year old today. Well, technically, yesterday. His party isn't until Saturday, but it's all the same to the baby. :) We had a quiet day: I baked some rather delicious muffins which he refused to eat any of (currently the only solids he will to consent to put in his mouth are Cheerios and cheddar bunnies), played a lot, took a couple of naps, and had a great time with his dad once he got home from work. We had hoped to go watch the Vaux's Swifts*, but the rain kept us home.
Leo is quite literally the happiest person I have ever known. His seemingly inexhaustible internal fountain of joy has made our lives so much brighter and richer than they were before that it is hard to imagine what things were like without him around. People tend to absorb and reflect back the emotions of those they are surrounded by--I know for a fact that his bright & sunny demeanor inspires me daily to be a more open, happy person. Love you, little guy.
* for out-of-towners, these are tiny migratory birds that for a few weeks roost by the thousands (or at least, many many hundreds) in a big decommissioned chimney behind an elementary school in NW Portland--they all gather right before dusk and swirl around down into it around sunset. Sometimes there are hawks lurking around, often a swift will take one for the team but sometimes they will gang up on the much larger raptor and chase it away, to the cheering of the crowd. It's an incredible sight and we go every year. We really want to bring him to see them (if weather allows) before they head south.