Maybe the signed drumstick is a penis metaphor.

Sep 05, 2011 07:44

So I was just dreaming that Brendon could turn into a little black cat with green eyes and Spencer had the ability to transport and float.

The one woman in my dream was a single adoptive mother of three, two of which were twins, and all of them rascals. I don't know why none of them ever realized that Brendon was the cat, but it took the whole dream for her to finally have that realization-- and it sort of took Spencer pointing it out.

What's really interesting is that Spencer (who looked exactly like his neatly-trimmed, conflicting-patterned-outfits, Pretty. Odd.-era self -- pretty much exactly like this, fucking UNF) was totally interested in the woman but stayed away because he thought she was interested in Brendon.


The woman -- unfortunately I never named her, and I was only in her POV some of the time -- was, of course, interested only in Spencer, but she'd always ask about Brendon because the kids had so much fun with him (insert scenes of kids frolicking with Brendon here) and they all missed him. And then she'd, like, snuggle with the cat. So Spencer thought she knew. But, no.

And then there was this weird section of the dream where the woman was walking through the elementary school yard/park where I actually went when I was little, and some sort of mini-fair (like a bake sale?) was happening, and Angelica/koyappi was there (where she was trying to get Spencer's drumstick signed so she could sell it) and Vijay (a former coworker/still-friend) was also there (I'm not sure WHAT he was doing there, actually).

Anyway, the woman saw the drumstick and got all sad that she didn't have anything of Spencer's signed and that he never hung around even when Brendon would show up to play with the children. (Possibly I was projecting some of my own feelings onto this woman, ahahahaha...) She walked home (which had the same entranceway as my old apartment building across the street from the elementary school yard, but in the dream was actually a two- or three-story house rather than a 7-story apartment building) and found Spencer floating in her doorway.

Yeah, actually floating? Leaning his back and shoulder against one side of the doorjamb with his legs crossed at the feet and stretched past the other side of the doorjamb-- as if he was sitting up in bed with his legs out. He had the smirkiest smirk you've ever seen on his face; arms crossed. This is when he sort of leads the woman to the realization that Brendon is the cat. Clearly Spencer can't read minds, but I wonder how he was tipped off to her mood? It could've been Brendon, I suppose.

In any case, Spencer looked delicious and flawless and sort of bitch-facey, as always, and I wanted to devour him and also to push him and the woman together and tell them to stop being idiots and look, Brendon's right there so tell him to stop fooling around and take the children out so these two can have some alone time.

I don't understand why, if I'm having a HET dream about Spencer, I couldn't at least have BEEN THE WOMAN. My own dreaming mind is cockblocking me, WTF.

Now that I woke up to write this all out, maybe I can get back to sleep for a couple of hours... =/

fandom:p!atd, dreams

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