(disappointingly) sober, this time.

Sep 04, 2011 15:13

JUST caught up on fskip=180 and YAY I've got, like, three or four new Brendon/Spencer fics to read (also the next chapter in freece's Captive Prince) and am SUPER EXCITED ABOUT THIS!!! I've... sort of been flailing about and reading random Pete/Patrick fics, but I miss my daily dose of Spencer. I haven't quite made it over to read the latest round of BBB yet, though, so there's that waiting for me too.

To be fair, I've actually been away from the comp a lot in the last week or so. I now have less than a week left in NYC before going to Indonesia for six weeks, and I'm not freaking out or anything, but I'm sort of feeling like I'm going to miss ALL THE THINGS here while I'm away.

Also, the money situation really isn't the best, but whatever, I'm just going to have to sort of just plough through the next couple of months and hope the other side will be an improvement.

Going to see Warrior tonight. T-HARD, I STILL LOVE YOU. I'm so happy there's a preview showing tonight so I didn't have to go to the midnight showing on Thursday to see it before my flight to Indonesia leaves on Friday morning. THOUGH I WOULD HAVE DONE IT. FOR TOM.

Aaaaaand I'm going to leave you with this. Because while I'm not a huge Patrick Stump fan, HIS FACE HERE IS THE MOST ADORABLE THING AND I CAN'T STOP WATCHING IT. If I have to suffer, you do too. <3333

fandom:bandom, travel:indonesia, fandom:p!atd, movies:warrior, actor:tharrrd, pic_post, money

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