just an excuse

Aug 10, 2011 03:49

So, in case you didn't see me spamming the rest of my social networks with Flux Pavillion updates, the show was awesome and I danced for ever! 1. There was a MOSH PIT. At a dubstep show. This is total win. 2. I was so soaked through with (my own and others') sweat that it looked like I got caught in a rain shower; my hair was plastered to my head. 3. Pot. People shared. I took a toke here and there and didn't have to pay and it was perfect. 4. I slapped some hot girl's ass. With permission, of course. <3 5. DIRTY BASS. THERE WAS SO MUCH OF IT. FUCK YES. I'm always disappointed when I go to a dubstep party and the DJs aren't spinning stuff with lots of dirty or wobbly bass. IT IS SO MY THING.

Can I just go to a different concert every week? That's not greedy, right?

So I will be getting inked again a week and a half from now. Yeah, no, I kind of can't really afford it. But I've been planning to get these tats done for months now, and even at that point it was getting to be an urgent feeling. I've only lasted this long because I had a date to look forward to. LAKJSDLFJASLFJLSAJFL;AJ GUYS, I WANT THESE TATS SO BAD I COULD CRY. RIGHT NOW.

This is for MY WOLFPACK (ILU GUYS) . And also just because SPENCER FUCKING SMITH.

concerts:dubstep, fandom:p!atd, sleep_deprivation, dancing, pic_post, twitter, tattoos, my_wolfpack

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