So I was trying to get to sleep EARLY (midnight) since I had to wake up at the CRACK OF DAWN (7:30am) in order to meet Juliet at the Metropolitan Museum of Art at 8:45. They open at 9:30 and really, it's a good thing we got there when we did because by the time the line started moving it stretched down the block and doubled back a few times. Haha, if I felt left out and missing Otakon this past weekend, this line certainly made me feel like I was there for a little while.
Anyway, I was trying to get to sleep early, but really I should know better by now that I just can't. Instead I customized my screensaver and proceeded to take a few screencaps to make into a gif. (Yes, I'm we know I'm obsessed already, this is old news.)
And now for the few additional A Softer World Remixes I've done since I last posted. The last one was done for @15dozentimes; it's totally my favorite, and not it's not even one I'd ever have thought of/chosen to do myself. So yeah, pass any requests my way. These are fun and ridiculously easy to do with my somewhat limited skills. =D
This is totally random, but I somehow naturally associate Avenged Sevenfold and Panic! At the Disco. This is really interesting because I was just recently thinking I should listen to more AX7 (while listening to P!ATD).... and then I realized that I did the same back in 2006 when I first heard them both.
I know it's just a pipe dream, but-- what I'd give for P!ATD's next album to have a harder sound. *__* (Jesus fuck, Spencer Smith would be even hotter and sweatier than he already is...?!)