ode to MJ 2011 (or, docking isn't just hitching your boat to the pier anymore.)

Apr 03, 2011 16:13

currently on the bus back to NYC from ratjam in Boston. WTF HOW WAS THAT SUCH AN AWESOME FUCKING

1. roomies were actualfax awesome and lovely and fun and ALL THE GOOD THINGS! \o/

2. got to reconnect and actually spend more time with the awesome people I met in Toronto! they were all as lovely as I remembered, and then some!

3. met soooo many new people, all of whom were no less than fucking awesome, fun, squeeful fangirls who somehow (it involved lots of arm-twisting, I assure you -- it was definitely not as simple as "you should come!" "okay!") talked me into attending minimerlin in Philly next weekend.

4. a sad thing: I thought the last rangers home game was on Sunday so it was not going to conflict with the con but Liz says it's Saturday so I'm going to fucking miss it. aaaargh why was my memory wrong on this?! I was so sure. T_T

5. SO MUCH META AND SO MANY THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS. It's not like I don't know fandom has intelligent thoughts on RL Issues, but I loved hearing about them in person, and hearing people build upon what was said during conversation. I should have taken notes at the sherlock panel (dammit) because there were quite a few things said I hadn't thought of before.

6. someone (whose name I didn't catch) told me she loved my style/look. I.... I was so flattered. SO flattered. style is actually really important to me and I often think my style is only half-hearted because it's very dependent on what's available in my size (and the fact that I have less disposable income now and can't shop like a fiend like I used to) and... anyway, i was so taken aback I could only repeat "thank you". <333

ETA: luce is writing CKR/T-Hard docking fic for my birthday. in return I promised I'd write hellraiser docking fic. WHAT EVEN IS MY LIFE?!!!

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

cons:minimerlin, lj_app, actor:tharrrd, cons:muskratjamboree, writing, travel:boston

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