Finished all 5 books in Josh Lanyon's Adrien English series. Books four and five of which were extremely satisfying. Again, the mystery part of the story is a hearty and substantial (but somewhat uninspired) backdrop to the more interesting bit-- i.e., the relationship between Adrien and Jake. It's highly satisfying that Adrien is both a likable and practical sort of guy, with strengths and weaknesses -- and that Lanyon isn't shy in depicting both. More than anything else, Lanyon's development of his characters shines, and it makes me really happy to see them grow and change. Plotwise, it absolutely helps that he is able to adeptly put in a touch of angst here and there because god, it gets me every time. Pornwise, THAT SHIT IS HOT YO.
In a lot of ways, Lanyon's writing is really reassuring-- that fangirls who write slash aren't Doing It Wrong. Here's a guy whose series is basically what I'm looking for in slash fic, and basically what my favorite fic writers have done in their stories: depict real depth in characters who have relationships with other three-dimensional, plausibly-motivated characters, who are attracted to those other characters, and both (or more) of whom also happen to have dicks.
I suppose the next question to ask is, is Lanyon writing specifically for the female slash fan? And, more importantly, is he writing disingenuously in order to appeal specifically to that audience because he knows that's what we want? I don't believe so, but who the hell knows.
Today is not going too well so far. I'm looking forward to re-watching Brick tonight with Juliet and
cathybites and