Acen 2010 and Iron Man 2

May 07, 2010 15:25

Just purchased tickets to see Iron Man 2 tomorrow evening with Kpharrina, so if anyone is interested in joining us, you're welcome to come along. Link to tix: It's during Maryann's party, but I had made plans to hang with Kerina before Maryann's party was announced. =( Still, I'm sure Maryann knows how much I love her and how much I wish her a SUPER HAPPY SPEEESHUL BIRTHDAY! <3

In other news, since I'm NOT going to work conference in France this year, I am free for Acen! \o/ I was able to get Monday off, so it will be a nice bonus to have Monday free to hang with Juliet! (Maybe I'll actually make it into Chicago proper this time!) Monies for this flight will be reimbursed (since I'm working at Acen, not having fun or anything lame like that) and then go straight into Trip to Berlin Funds!
Saturday 05/15/10:
AA 309 LGA 8:35am → ORD 10:15am

Monday 05/17/10:
AA 346 ORD 7:55pm → LGA 11:05pm

The only thing that could make trip to Chicago better is if the Hawks make it into the Quarterfinals and Game 1 is that Sunday night (5/16).

ETA: Eljay is hoarding comments again, so if I don't respond in a timely matter it's not my fault!

travel:berlin, cons:acen, hockey:0910, movies

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