weird associations & weekend plans.

Sep 03, 2009 12:46

I just had this odd feeling of déjà vu and nostalgia brought on by the wafting scent of someone's meatloaf or roastbeef or something. And yet, the memory it dislodged had nothing to do with food. It was just me, sitting at my desk at work, feeling as if I had just started and that everything was new and I was kind of pretty darn nervous.

How that feeling is related to that scent, I don't know.

So in other news, I am unexpectedly and annoyingly free this weekend. The Electric Zoo thing is not going to work out as it's more than I can really justify spending at the moment. So I'm looking for other, cheaper things to do over this three-day weekend where everyone and their mother is apparently having way more fun than I will.

I'm scheduling something for myself on Monday, so that, at the very least -- if I end up lazing about like a bump on a log on Saturday and Sunday -- I'll at least have done one interesting thing. I'm going to get some cultcha in me. By visiting the MOMA to see this:

The Erotic Object: Surrealist Sculpture from the Collection

There's an 11:30am lecture/gallery talk for it that I'd really like to attend. Does anyone know if the admission price covers the lecture, or if that's additional?

Hmm, maybe I should make a day of it and go to the Museum of Sex.

Would anyone like to come along?

randomness, culture:museums, weekend

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