Aug 27, 2008 11:06
Okay, so it's my facebook status AND I had to use it for my LJ subject. It's SUCH a good line, though! Points if you know where it's from! ^_~
Saturday was Chris's birthday tromp through the city. Was a beautiful day, lots of fun, and how do I love thee, Dallas-BBQ-"Texas-sized"-margaritas-with-an-extra-shot-for-an-additional-dollar. Or, as Chris says, drinks "the size of my head". I had a great time hanging out with the usual suspects and a few of the unusual ones as well.
Sunday was quite nice -- a relaxing day at home, I filled up the front tire of the bike with air and took a quick and not-too-taxing ride (with Judy on her rollerblades) over to the supermarket. Maryann was working on Morgan's plushie at home while the entire (non-extended) Lord of the Rings played on the TV in the background.
Side note: TNT's advertising for their channel is ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE!!! Have you seen it? It makes me glad I rarely turn on the TV! It's something about more... whatever, LESS COMMERCIALS. OMG! "LESS" COMMERCIALS?!?!?! EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. they played that commercial (which was EVERY COMMERCIAL BREAK, for over 10 hours), I winced. It was like an arrow shot straight into my grammar-loving heart. SO PAINFUL I COULD CRY. I would rather have more commercials than an ad that says "less commercials." Or, even better, actually having fewer commercials. ;_;
I wanted to do nothing that weekend, and still I failed. I want to have a weekend where I do MORE of nothing. Though I doubt that will happen... until November? I'm going to schedule some weekends of DOING NOTHING in November. Those weekends can be days when other people come over to MY HOUSE and watch TV/anime/whatever or play video games or chat or stare into space while sitting next to me. SOUNDS LIKE HEAVEN.
So tonight... NIN CONCERT~!