Mar 19, 2008 16:06
Waaah~ so busy at work lately!
Last night I think I got home at like 9pm, which is pretty amazing! After work, I went to Angelica's to do some typing for Joe, but I ended up taking it home instead of doing it there. I have to remember to do it tonight! But I got Lisa's yummy homemade dinner instead. =D
When I got home I was inspired by the unusually clean state of my room and the "early" hour, so I decided to do taxes! Yay! Of course, when I was only halfway done, Maryann came home and then we talked for like 2.5 hours. So I was only able to finish Maryann's and my federal taxes. State taxes are next!
St. Patty's was pretty cool -- after Japanese class, Judy and I met up with her coworkers at a bar in the East Village. I really like Yee and Vitaliy ~ they're lotsa fun to hang out with! Also, have discovered that I like tequila shots. =D
Sunday night I watched the first couple of episodes of Initial D over with Judy (who hadn't seen it before) and it has re-awakened my love for that show. I never did finish watching Fourth Stage, so I really want to get back to that! And I should check to see if any more of the manga has been scanlated 'cause I think I was up to some volume in the high-20s. The manga is just sooo good. <3
I just realized -- I leave for Vienna in a week and a half. OMG, WTF am I going to wear?! I think I need to go shopping this weekend. No, what am I saying? I have no money. =/, what's up with you guys?