I've been meaning to post since yesterday morning, but work got in the way. Very busy right now, unfortunately. Though I'm not really complaining -- I generally prefer to be busy at work than not ('cause then I end up feeling vaguely guilty).
This weekend was also insanely busy. Again, not that I'm complaining. I seem to thrive on fun times and lack of sleep. One day I will crash. ^^; Saturday was hectic and great! I had to get up at 5am to drive my parents to the airport, went back home to sleep for 3 hours, drove Liz to the dentist, went back home to pick up Maryann, then went into the city to meet up for Sean's surprise birthday party. When I got there, I passed a parking spot, and when I realized -- oh! that was actually a spot!, by the time I got back to it, it had been taken. Of course. And it had been right down the block from the diner, too. But whatever, 30 minutes later I found another parking spot farther down 9th avenue.
It was really funny seeing Sean (& co) come up the steps and not see us right away. I did the same thing when we got there, so I was internally amused over that, and I think possibly other people were thinking similar things -- so there was a kind of group delayed "Surprise!" LOLOL. Brunch was good and it was a nice get-together. It was good to see Matt & Austin again! =D Maryann and I contributed stolen balloons, picked up on the way to the diner. (Which was pretty amusing, and REALLY obvious because Maryann ran like a bat out of hell after taking them.) It's unfortunate that Lisa wasn't able to be there to participate, considering it was her thing to begin with.
Maryann, Judy and I left at around 2:30 to pick up Ben and some booze for Joe & Morgan's party and then go back to my house to get ready. Haha, poor Ben. I think we took about an hour. Maybe a little more. Went to pick up Anna at her place and we were finally on our way. The drive to Glen Cove -- or Locust Valley? -- took 40 minutes. Barely any traffic, and Morgan gave awesome directions. Seriously, Morgan. Do you give directions for a living? There are few people who give as good directions as you did. You gave relevant street sign information, as well as landmarks! It was a pleasure! =D
And the party was awesome! It was really fun to get dressed up and hang out with such good friends! I really lucked out that Maryann likes Metal Gear Solid and hackey sack -- which is how we came to have the friends we do today. Unfortunately, I think Judy and I might have been the only ones who drank the champagne we bought for the party. Which is unfortunate, because it was damn good. Especially mixed with Hypnotiq! Lots of fun pictures were taken, as well as incriminating ones. I really want to see those Joe x Chris pics. Heh heh, fanfiction~! JUST KIDDING! And seeing Naughty Link
general_chris again was great -- I hadn't known that you live in NY! ^^; I'm looking forward to having the three of you at my party on the 15th!
Not sure when we left, but we got home around 2:30am, after driving Anna & Ben back to Brooklyn. Seriously, having the car is nice. Get to actually go places outside the city without a hassle! But, of course, we started looking at photos -- haha! I showed Judy a pic I took of you, Chris, back at Shoujocon 2003 before I knew you! And my grainy disposable-camera pics from my 2nd Otakon, in 2001. And awww, I miss my colored hair SO MUCH now! And I have to somehow remember to show Jim those pics of me, Angelica & him (and him, passed out on the floor in front of Con Ops) from Yuricon 2003! Anyway, we finally called it a night at around 3:30am.
Sunday we went into the city for lunch and to see Vantage Point. Unexpected people joined our party -- Rich, and Zoila & Lee (whom I haven't seen for at least a year, I think)! It was really great that they joined us! =D The movie wasn't as bad as it could have been, but it certainly wasn't the type of movie you usually go see with a big group of friends.
I think their publicity people knew just what to say to catch my interest. Their tagline was something about figuring out a puzzle, and I thought it was going to be more that they were trying to figure something out from the different lines of sight they had with several different video cameras, but it turned out to be not so much of that. Still, it was entertaining. The story was "retold" from 5 different points of view, and though that seemed to annoy some people in the theater (I overheard someone in the audience say, "how many times are we going to see this?!"), it didn't bother me because they revealed a little more of the truth each time. That's not to say that it wasn't predictable. I pretty much had it figured out at about a third of the way in. My biggest complaint was the ending. People don't seem to know how to end movies nowadays! It was like, after all this mental game-playing, we better play up to the American Audiences and pack all the action in the last 15 minutes! Go! Go! Go! Which was all pretty stupid.
And I'm telling you, that little girl deserved to die.
Unfortunately, I think the best way to sum it up is: the movie tried to be interesting, and it gets marks for effort, but in the end, it was generally forgettable.
After the movie, we went to the tower bar where they played a gooooood mix of 90s music and we just sat and chatted for a couple of hours.
Like I said, fun times.