But it was worth it.

Feb 11, 2008 16:59

Friday night weirdness ensued when half the power in the house went out (oddly enough, all the power was out except for the TV outlet, so Rock Band was still able to be played... in the dark, except for the one lamp that's plugged in next to the TV), and was mirrored outside where you could see that half the block had power and half didn't. I took advantage of this opportunity to scare Maryann, which never gets old =D It's really too bad she wasn't at Anna's place on Sunday when the winds of hell blew the balcony door open abruptly as I know she would have been across the apartment in 1 second flat, possibly even clinging to the ceiling. And then when the TV turned off by itself -- ahh, what missed opportunities!

Saturday, Maryann and I went over to Judy's. Not surprisingly, we headed out a little later than we intended, but Judy got super-wasted the night before, so it worked out alright. I finished that damn Little Sister dress some time around 1am, I think! It was kind of fun to put on a dress that so obviously looks like a 5 year old should be wearing it. ^^; It was white at the time, but Judy soaked the dresses in coffee for a dirty look, though she wants to add "blood splatters" & etc., so we still have finishing touches to add. Maryann is helping us out by making a Big Daddy plushie, which I have named Mr. Bubbles, which is only fitting. He's coming along nicely. =D

We didn't get to sleep til around 3am, and woke up the next day a little before 10am to get to the New Year Parade in Chinatown, which was quite fun. Ate some decent food and actually got a decent view of the parade. I took lots of pictures, of which I may post one or two later. Maryann bought 2 "poppers" and we exploded them, which was exciting. And Judy bought a box of snaps, which I was extremely happy about as I miss sitting out on my old fire escape and throwing them down at people. Ah, nostalgia~. ALSO! I GOT MY WATCH BATTERY CHANGED, FINALLY! YAYE~!

Met up with Anna after the parade and went to her place to discuss Cosclips business. Which was probably 75% hanging out and 25% discussing business, but still, we discussed what we had to. Jim was cool and drove us all to our respective houses, for which I was extremely relieved because if I'd had to go home by train/bus from Manhattan at midnight when we got to Judy's, or at 1:30am, when we finally called it a night, it would have taken me at least 2 hours to get to Queens, plus a cab ride from the subway station to get home -- in the bitter, bitter cold, and with 3 bags, 2 large umbrellas, and a partridge in a pear tree.

Instead, it took twenty minutes, so I got home at 2am, and it was a nice toasty car ride on the extremely deserted highway. =D

Though, of course, that means I didn't get to sleep til 3am because Maryann was still up when I got home. Hahaha.

Even so, I was so full of energy -- I had a really fun time all day yesterday, and I probably could have stayed up for another hour or two, but I was well aware it was Sunday night and I had to be in decent shape for today. Good thing, too, because I've been insanely busy since around 11:30 or so. I was very sleepy during those first two hours of not having much to do. And I'm feeling a bit tired again now that it's almost quittin' time, but I have Japanese class soon...

cons:katsucon, video_games:rock_band, video_games:bioshock, nyc:chinatown, cosplay

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