You know you've watched too much House when you start misreading "designated" as "diagnosed".
Yep. As in, "you have been diagnosed as the person to receive checks on behalf of..."
Last night I re-watched something like 6 episodes of the first season of House. I was looking for episodes with really good/funny clinic duty subplots, but since I couldn't remember which episodes they were in, I only succeeded with maybe 2 or 3 of them. I really enjoyed watching "Three Stories" over again. Aaah, that's a really good one. Of course. And I just may watch the Stacy arc from season 2 over again. I really do like Stacy a lot.
In any case, I'm suddenly in the mood for House and Supernatural fic. Which isn't that odd considering I just watched a lot of both series. What's more, I'm really in the mood for House/SPN crossover fic.
swordkat wrote one, unfinished, over a year ago. It's actually very good, but short, and unfinished. I found another one
here that I just started, which was pretty amusing. Gen fic, so that was a definite plus. The witty repartee was really what made it worthwhile.
Any good House fic recs? I prefer gen fic, but will read any good House-centric POV, but NO House with any of the ducklings.
Oh, also. I've started reading Alan Moore's Watchmen comic. I'd say I'm about 1/8 of the way in (I started it last night). I am really enjoying it so far, even though I'm still sort of like, huh, WTF is going on?! Also, I really like uh... the original Nite Owl's autobiography, as it breaks up the "present day" stuff and for exposition. Actually, I probably like that more, because I really enjoy the writing style, and also the character is a sympathetic one. But we'll see how it goes once I'm further in.