Our restraint glands were out of order last night.

Dec 10, 2007 11:31

This is a "pseudo" con report because I didn't actually do anything at the con but work at Anna's booth. Not that I'm complaining, I actually had an awesome time working there with Anna, Jim, Ben, Judy, Rymel, manga Chris (why is he called manga Chris anyway?), Charles, uh... who else was there? I'm sure I had more fun at the booth than I would have had just roaming around -- it didn't seem like there was a whole lot to do, if you weren't involved with some of the behind-the-scenes things. I will leave reporting of any WCS drama up to Chris. ^^;

It was also really nice that NoE people came by to visit me, and also have their pictures taken! It was good to see some of you whom I haven't seen in quite a while -- Lizette, Yoshi, Will, Angelica, Isha. =D koyappi, I'd like to see a con report from you since I didn't get to see anything else of the con. I didn't even get to see the other side of the dealers room other than the two aisles that I had to walk down in order to get to Anna's booth! ^_~; Which wasn't bad, since I didn't spend any money on unnecessary things. The only money I spent aside from food this weekend was $2 on one of Maryann's pins -- the Weighted Companion Cube, of course. &hearts!

Dinner on Saturday with NA people was fun! It was good to see Joe & Morgan again; it's just too bad Judy and I didn't make it up to the Tower bar at the end of the night. ;_; But huge dinner last night was SRSLY HUGE! And lots of fun; with lots of bad jokes and puns going around. Noise glands and all~! Dessert was, as Jim described it, a block of lactose, thinly sliced... aka, a massive sundae (whipped cream and ice cream over bananas and fudge with nuts and other sweet cookie things) called the Titanic. Of which I did not have very much because the brandy-soaked strawberry shortcake was just amazing, oh and that whole being lactose-intolerant thing.

Split a cab home with Maryann, didn't get home til 12:30am, didn't go to sleep til around 1:30/2am. And then overslept! Luckily, still got to work on time. Whew!

Oh yeah! Judy, Maryann and I had our picture taken by Anna against her photo paper backdrop -- they were really cute pics. =D I'll scan the stickers we printed out at home later and post them.

cons:nyaf, stupidity, food, weekend

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