I mean, I was online, minding my own business... slowly running out of things to do. Do I want to read my mail? No. Do I want to read a fic? No.
I finished checking the new messages at Phoenixfeather's
"The Horde" message board. I finished talking with a friend -- Louie! -- 'cause she signed off. I finished putting up an auction for Angelica. I already have one up for myself & don't feel like putting up another one at the moment. ::sigh:: What to do now?
Well... one week ago I would've just signed off. But now? No, I can just go over to livejournal.com and write in my journal! It calls to me... "Waste time! You have nothing better to do!" ...and I give in. Pathetic, ne?
Oh well. I'm going to sign off & read some before I go to bed. Sharon Green's 2nd book in The Blending Enthroned series? Or David Weber's latest in the Honor Harrington series, Ashes of Victory? Choices, choices.
Maybe I'll let you know what I chose next time I succumb... uh, I mean, update this journal.