Oct 05, 2005 01:34
Finished Chainfire by Terry Goodkind. This was like the 8th or 9th book in the Sword of Truth series. The conflict of this book was good. It was a slightly more straightforward, as well as frustrating, problem for the main character, Richard. The thing with Goodkind, is that you know that it will be resolved by the end of the book, and that the two main characters, Richard and Kahlan, aren't going to die. This is sometimes reassuring and sometimes really irritating in its predictability.
I still have the same problems as I've always had with Goodkind. He takes a moral/ethical/political stand on something in particular and bashes you over the head with the principle of it. As if you didn't get it the first several times he said it. None of the books have been as bad as the 6th book, Faith of the Fallen, in this respect, but now that I've realized it, it sticks out like a sore thumb.
Otherwise, it was overall a good enough book that I finished it in a few days. I have to say this for Goodkind -- at least he writes well, and has a few interesting characters, even if he has to lighten up on the moral (not religious, at least) preaching.
I borrowed Eric Flint's The Rivers of War and am somewhere around page 80-something, possibly. It's his new book that is an alternate history, like in the tradition of Harry Turtledove. His other alternate history, 1632 (as well as sequels 1633 and 1634) have been sci-fi-based alternate histories, whereas this one is pure historical alternate history (no sci-fi to be found). It takes place around 1812 -- not the most interesting time period for me. I don't really prefer US history, but it's Eric Flint; I've got to give it a chance 'cause he's a great writer.
It's going to be on hold, probably for the next week, however, because I just (finally!) picked up Sanctuary by Mercedes Lackey. The last book in the Jousters Trilogy, this is the concluding book about Vetch/Kiron, his dragon, and the trials and tribulations of the two countries (Alta and Tia) caught in the middle of a war. I don't really remember what happened at the end of the last book, so I'm hoping the story will give me a good idea of it. I'm somewhere shortly past 30-something.
But I am happy to be finishing up the trilogy (if it is a trilogy, that is, but knowing Mercedes Lackey, it probably is).
More to come on other readings as they are read. (Makes sense, right?) ^^