(Personally, my confidence in myself and my sexuality has increased dramatically since I got involved in this little community. Am I the only one who feels that way?) We get raunchy with each other for our own amusement, and if the men in our lives get off on it, fine, and if they don't, tough shit. Right?
I want to respond point by point to everything she said, as well as all the comments that other people made to
this entry, but I just don't have the time if I want to actually eat something tonight.
I encourage anyone who's interested to go read it, and the link to
the article that hyanan posted about the book about modern America's "raunch culture". As with almost anything, there are points on which I agree, and points on which I disagree.
But I did want to answer this part of windsorblue's post. Yes, I have unquestionably found that I am so much more confident in myself, my self-image, my sexuality, my personality, pretty much just in most parts of being me, after having gotten involved in this online yaoi community. Why else, after having decided that Ycon was too expensive to go to this year (and not to mention, how I don't really love the con, and am so behind in current fandoms 'cause I don't watch too much anime anymore), did I strive to attend anyway?! I love hanging out with you guys -- we all understand and support aspects of each other's preferences, personalities, and tastes that many people in our "real lives" don't know of, wouldn't necessarily understand, nor appreciate. I consider myself lucky -- all of my friends know about all this stuff, and either join in, or at least don't make stupid fun of it and don't look down on us for having this interest.
And yay, I like pr0n!
Well, I know that was sort of a pointless ranty post, but I wanted to say it. ^^;