Jun 23, 2005 17:25
Well, I'm pretty sure I won't be keeping this job after the end of July. I had already started to act (at least in my mind) like I wouldn't have it, but today I was analyzing data from CVs from the people who will be competing for the post and they're much more overqualified than I am, with years and years of experience. =/
Like I said, I'm not so broken up about this or anything, because I was already thinking stuff like, "Just wait til the end of July~ when I can dye my hair pretty colors again, and cut it so that my pretty piercings show!" So, yeah.
But I will definitely miss the pay (once I fucking get paid, but that's a whole 'nother story).
I was looking online at job ads, but all the stuff I have experience in (office-type stuff)... well, they're not exactly posting ads like, "We want you if you can type ##wpm, have clerical/admin experience and blue hair!" =( It would make my life a lot easier if they did.