Maggie Moment

Jun 18, 2013 11:31

I was kind of hoping Maggie would sleep to at least 6 a.m. No such luck. I got up to pee a little after 5 a.m. and when I got back she decided that she had to get up and out of the crate RIGHT NOW. I was getting my shoes on and I had Cliff take her out for me real quick. [I am anything but quick thanks to my arthritic leg] He complained that he was only in boxers. So what! Take her out before she makes a mess.

The good: she peed outside. The bad: she shit in the bedroom around 6a.m. Cliff cleaned it up.

@ 6:40 she went back to sleep. curled up in the small space between the dresser and the white bookcase...cuddled up with Cliff's cowboy boots. I'm betting she was missing her family. I'm pretty sure Nick Bilava [the breeder] wore cowboy boots.

@ 7:30 she woke up. took her outside let her pee!! around 7:58 [YES I am timing her pees. There has got to be a schedule here!]

when she got tired again I put her in the crate and shut the door @ 9:30 she woke up crying, I took her out and she peed! YES!

@ 9:48 Cliff left for work and she had a fit. Way to go dad next time say goodbye first *sheesh*  M. didn't cry for long off and running.

@ 10:30 lost sight of puppy [damn my arthritic leg!!] went looking and stepped in her poop. Cleaned it up.

@ 10:50 I put M. in her crate. [NOT punishment -- training] I set a timer for 5 minutes and sat there and talked quietly while she had a fit. she calmed down in a few minutes. let her out when timer went off

NOW @ 11:29  she is sleeping on a green blanket in the office. Which is the only reason I can type this at all. The green blanket is now officially hers.
I will lay it down anywhere I want her to lay down.  Portable bed.

Alarm went off time to go out and pee!!
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