Miss Clifton! Miss Clifton! Miss Clifton! Miss Clifton! Miss Clifton! Miss Clifton!

Mar 21, 2008 05:24


Even though nothing really happened
I’m just gonna talk about shit

In high school, I was hardcore into fortune cookies. It was kinda my own little religion. Easy to practice, no guilt, and tasty. And I kept some good ones for a while. Then I got one that was found to be untrue (sorta) and I kinda gave up on it for a while.
But then I got these three in a row:
“You have an important new business development shaping up”
“You are going to have a very comfortable old age”
“Your future is as boundless as the lofty heavens”

But then today I got the one that destroyed my little religion
Maybe it means something
Maybe it’s nothing
Maybe I shouldn’t put my faith into cookies
But my religion is tastier than yours, that’s for damn sure

Spring break is nice. I like sleeping and watching tv. It’s boring, but it’s nice for a change.
I have work tomorrow, which means I’m out of here by 7:30…yea, as I’m writing this line it’s 4:30.
Right after work I’m going home for the weekend. It’s the first time I’ve been home this semester.
I give it 6 hours until I want to come back.

Speaking of work, I was told that the last couple of weeks I was pretty much being trained to take over, for at least a while, at work. And that was cool, because I very much enjoy it. I mean, I wouldn’t be going in 3 days in a row at 8 AM unless I liked it. But some constraining circumstances has made that unnecessary. I’m not gonna get into the situation, but it was cool to think I pretty much was guaranteed a pretty good job doing what I already know how to do well, and that experience would be really good for future job opportunities.

Recently, it has come to my attention that shit has started to hit the fan for you. That sucks.
Are you gonna catch on? Or continue to be dumb?
10 bucks on continue to be dumb.

Please, continue to bitch to my friends about me. The stories amuse me oh so very much.

I feel as if something is up. I think you’re up to something.
Maybe it’s because it’s the second time it’s happened. Sure, it’s not exactly the same, but the skeleton of the situation is there. Hopefully that X factor is there…but I’m not sure if J.P. got that far down. Oh well, I’m sure (know) there are some stronger X factors at work.
I win?
Let’s hope so.

Ya know what I hate?
Coming across things you didn’t know you had.
I was like “Why the fuck do I have this?”
Which isn’t bad.
But then there was the statement “I know why I shouldn’t have this”
Damn, you’re back in the paragraphs.

Ummm, I’m not too sure what exactly to write about.
As long as someone somewhere catches on…and continues to be caught on for a while ::coughcough::, I’ll be good
And also, if I got a fire truck
Then I’d be real good.
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