Title: Iscariot
mizgoatFandom/Genre: Supernatural, 1940's detective/noir AU, drama
Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel with mentions of Sam/Jess and past Sam/Ruby
Rating: light NC-17
Word Count: 31,861
Warnings: violence, language; references to war, drug use, and alcoholism; m/m sex; character death (no main characters)
Summary: It's 1947. P.I. Dean Winchester hasn't had a case in ages when Cas Novak comes into his office. Now it's Dean's job to help get Cas off the hook for murder, but it's not going to be easy. Cas has no memory of the night in question, and to get the answers he needs Dean's going to have to dig deep into the secrets of the two rival mobs in town, find out what's hiding in Cas's memories, and even face some of his own personal demons... and maybe some of Cas's as well.
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