Title: Every Me and Every You (29/30)
Author: osaki_nana_707
Fandom: Inception/Mysterious Skin fusion
Word count: 3,255
Pairing: Neil/Eames
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: language, allusions to rape,child molestation, and prostitution
Summary: Neil McCormick is fraying at the seams. Then he meets Eames, professional dreamer.
The light in the room was bright, and the hand in his was steady. )
Because Neil had his taken away so early, and all his selling his body and not relying on other people (I think he probably fits in the category of sociopath, and his manipulative behaviour especially) was his way of trying to be in control of his own life and body.
Because really, he couldn't control much in his life apart from sex, because like you said, he had been taught that that was his strength and his power. So sex was Neil's hand, his bargaining chip in life. Only in his own mind, of course.
And then after Brighton beach, sex stopped being something he could control. In fact, it completely flipped because all his power was stripped from him.
And then he was lost. And he would feel so small and so useless and so so broken :'(
And I think that it really makes sense that there is a part of him that, once managed to resolve all those issues, would find a different, more Arthurian way to find control in his life. Through plans and organisation.
Its still sad, but... with the kind of starting point that Neil had in life, its probably the best thing that could have happened : (
But I guess you know all this, which is why you managed to write it so beautifully. I have cried a lot reading this.
I hope the epilogue is happy. I want our dream husbands to be happy together : (
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