Inception - Dream a Little Dream of Me, a Rock n' Roll Coda for kansouame

Sep 16, 2011 23:26

Title: Dream a Little Dream of Me, a Rock n' Roll Coda (for kansouame)
Author: osaki_nana_707
Pairings/Characters: Arthur/Eames
Rating: PG
Word count: 1,276
Warnings:language mostly
Summary: After Arthur tells Eames to marry him, he can't exactly wait. Takes place within the epilogue/bonus track in the I've Got a Rock n' Roll Life universe.

Dream a Little Dream of Me

A Rock n' Roll Coda (for kansouame)

When Eames got in, Arthur was sprawled out in the sheets, the phone lying next to him on the pillow, come still dried to his stomach. Eames took a long, long moment just to admire him with his hair a mess and his jaw slack and with one foot sticking out from the blankets.

"You beautiful thing, you," Eames mumbled.

"Marry me."

Arthur had said that when he was drunk, and Eames had believed him, had planned to make an honest man out of him as soon as the tour was over, but…


When he'd tried to sleep, he just couldn't. Arthur's smile haunted him, his words still echoing around in Eames's skull like they had replaced his brain completely. He tossed and turned for a good hour before giving up on the whole sleeping thing, and after about ten minutes of mindlessly browsing the internet and five minutes of looking at the pictures of Arthur in his phone, he found himself calling Saito and asking (well, maybe more like demanding) for an emergency flight out to Chicago. He then stressed again that it was an absolute emergency.

He'd been on a flight in an hour, home in Chicago in two and a half more, the sun just barely above the horizon.

He crawled onto the bed, but Arthur never even responded to the dip in the mattress. Eames stroked Arthur's face, pushing stray strands of dark hair off of his forehead.

"Sleeping Beauty?" Eames teased quietly, but Arthur was out cold. Eames imagined that Arthur hadn't slept well for the duration of the tour. He never told Eames that he didn't sleep well without Eames next to him, but whenever he got home from his travels, Arthur always looked exhausted and relieved. Eames actually thought it was kind of sweet, and he almost hated to wake him…

…but, well, he knew Arthur wouldn't be mad.

He leaned in and kissed him softly. "Wake up, my love," he whispered, smiling against his cheek. He smoothed a hand down his chest, across the dried mess on his stomach, fingers trailing and tickling along the smooth skin and short hairs.

Arthur mumbled, moving a little, but not opening his eyes.

Eames chuckled and knelt down, kissing him again, this time a bit more earnestly. It took a few moments, but then Arthur was responding, licking up into his mouth lazily. Eames sucked on his tongue and then broke the kiss and smiled down at the half-lidded eyes looking back at him in sleepy surprise.

"Am I dreaming?" Arthur asked scratchily.

"Maybe," Eames said, grinning.

"Eames," Arthur said, wrapping his arms sluggishly around his neck and kissing him again, and for a moment Eames thought that maybe he was dreaming because kisses shouldn't have been so exciting even now. "What are you doing here? I thought-the tour-"

"I missed you. I had to see you," Eames told him, brushing Arthur's hair away from his face with gentle fingers. "I couldn't sleep, couldn't stop thinking about you."

"S'that so?" Arthur asked, letting those dimples flash and letting those dimples go straight to Eames's heart.

"Do you remember falling asleep on the mobile with me last night?"

Arthur paused, trying to remember. He saw the moment the two very important words registered in his memory, his eyes widening, his cheeks flushing, his tongue darting out to lick his lips. "Oh…" he whispered.

Eames chuckled, grabbing Arthur by the wrists and hauling him out of bed, pulling him up against him. "Oh? That's all you're going to say? Oh?"

"Wh-what did you want me to say?" Arthur asked, laughing a little.

Eames met his eyes, going silent for a long moment, and he'd planned on the plane ride to conjure up something special, just like he'd been doing in the hotel room… but Eames had never been one for well-laid plans.

"What I want you to say?" Eames asked and promptly dropped to one knee and tugging one of his rings free from his pinky finger. "I'd quite like it if you said 'yes', darling."

Arthur looked like the wind had been knocked out of him. He gaped uselessly at the air, and then his eyes were filling with tears, and his gulps for air became even more useless, though he did manage to nod vigorously.

"Sorry I'm no good with ridiculous gestures," Eames said, sliding the ring onto Arthur's long finger. It fit perfectly, like it was destiny, and Eames had started to believe in it. "I hope this will suffice. If it helps, I do intend to love you more and more each day and to let you never feel lonely or insecure ever again. Even if I'm away from you, you'll have this part of me with you. You've already got my heart, so I figured it's about time I gave you my soul as well. As a rock star, I don't really need it." He chuckled, but the laughter died off when Arthur dropped to his knees and threw his arms around his neck, hugging him more tightly than Eames had ever remembered him doing and sobbing loudly and probably a little obnoxiously (Eames was a little too biased to know for sure).

"Happy tears, darling?" Eames asked, though he knew the answer.

Arthur sniffed and planted a kiss on his lips. "Of course they are, you idiot! Fuck, how is it that I proposed to you first and you still found a way to surprise me…? God, you're so incredible."

Eames tucked Arthur under his chin, rocking him through his tears. "I do my best… but really, all of my incredibleness is because of you. I wouldn't be hardly as impressive without you… I'd be nothing without you, Arthur."

Arthur held up his hand, wiggling his fingers, crinkling his nose in a smile. "This is the most amazing thing."

"It's just a rhinestone. I'll buy you a proper one in time."

"No… I like this one. It's not a diamond, but it's yours. You've worn it for years…"

"…but darling, it's just a ring I found on the ground when I was busking."

"It isn't," Arthur replied. "I read the article. You found it on the ground and the next day Cobb found you. No one had noticed the ring, but you did, and no one had noticed you, but he did. This ring was at the beginning of your career… your career is what brought you to me."

Arthur lifted the ring to his lips and kissed it gently, and Eames couldn't help but steal his mouth away from the ring, tongue tangling with his while his hand came up to tangle in his hair. "I'll give you anything you want, love…" Eames whispered against his mouth.

"I've already got everything I want," Arthur told him, and nipped at his bottom lip. "All I've ever wanted and needed is music and you."

Eames trailed a finger across Arthur's cheekbone, staring into those warm, brown eyes with such wonder that he couldn't even comprehend it himself.

"How did I ever manage to get someone like you?" Eames asked. "If this is a dream, I certainly never want to wake up."

Arthur tugged him down for another kiss and from that point on let his body do the talking.

By the time the two of them were on a plane together, Arthur sleeping on Eames's shoulder, he found himself coming to the conclusion that no, he wasn't dreaming.

He wasn't dreaming because Eames couldn't create something so perfect.

Reality was awesome.

I've got so much still to do for you, and this isn't nearly enough, but after all of your kindness, I hope this is happy and fluffy enough for you. I'll be getting to work on drawing you pretty pictures now. <3

story: i've got a rock n' roll life, fandom:inception, type:fanfiction, arthurxeames

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