Nov 09, 2006 19:26
I saw Ari at the go kart place with Demyx, racing around. Huh?, I thought. 'membered that there are more floors in this weird place, and took the elevator. I saw that the 2nd floor was all dark, and I don' like the dark, so I went up to the third floor. It was all squishy! I got out and rolled around alot and stuff. Meow. Arf. Thatz like, weird, I was a cat for a second! Nyan! Ah! there I go again! Meow nya nyayan~~! Ahhhh!!!! *rolls around more, slowly and painfully driving herself crazy* *crawling backwards and making baby noises* *goes in corner, but since she can only crawl backwards, is stuck* NYAN~!!!!!, I cried, meowed, for help.