So I decided to level MNK...

Jun 12, 2006 22:13

Anyways, like the subject line says, I decided to level MNK. After taking lolDRG to 75, SAM to 75 and almost capping out merits [STR5/5|GK8/8|Archery4/4|Critical4/4|Meditate5/5|StoreTP4/5] on it, I got tired of meripo and needed something to do. Since I already had about 80% of MNK end-game gear from SAM, I chose to level up MNK to 75 for lols.

It was 14 from way back [level progression from NA PC release was WAR18→MNK14→WAR30→etc...] so it wouldn't be a gimp SJ until 30 and at 30, I'd be doing my advanced job quest and not worry about gimp ol' MNK. I solo'd 14 to 21 [PL'd myself with a good friend's account] and then partied to 25. After hitting the 1/3 mark [#wise, not EXPwise >.>], I stopped leveling MNK for a week so I could finish up Purple belt and Brown belt quests because I got a hold of Morbolger ToD.

I had a Rampaging horn from about 2 years ago, but never got a Lumbering horn to complete the quest so I went SAM/RNG to camp Lumbering Lambert. After killing the 2 PHs repeatedly for over 3 hours, I check widescan and low-and-behold, the NM popped. One problem though, it was Bloodtear Baldurf... lol >.> I shot a /t to my friend Devilshortee and claimed it solo. I was having a little trouble soloing it [since I didn't have shadows, Third Eye only], but I was able to take it down to ~50% when Dev arrived to cure me from ~300HP and we duo'd it. No drop on the Viking Shield, but oh well... I was done with the Purple belt quest.

That night, I AFK'd at Ordelle's Caves so I'd be there for Morbolger window. Woke up before window and was outclaimed when it popped 20 minutes before the end of the window. orz After that, I decided to camp Deadly Dodo. After 2 hours and 20 minutes of killing PHs, it pops, I claim and it drops 1/1. I then went to Beaucidine for Nue. Claimed it 4 times that day and no drop on all 4 times; also checked on Kirata and went 0/2 on it.

The next day, I was in Ordelle's again and this time, I had 2 competitors instead of 1. An hour into the window, Morbolger pops right between the two and I rush as fast as I can to get it. I spam my Provoke and I see his name turn red. Yes! It was mine. After getting the the vine, I went up to Beaucidine again for Nue. Killed it twice with no drop and went down to Kirata. Killed the PHs for a hour and thought maybe I should check back on Nue. I get there and not 10 minute later, Nue pops. I claim it and ask Nev to come in with his British TH for the drop. He outposts there and we meet somewhere in between [I was kiting it toward the outpost] Nue tower and the outpost. He gets the killshot and the fang drops, making me 1/7. We start heading out of the zone [since I now have all 3 items for Brown belt] and he reminds me that Kirata should be due since I killed an hour's worth of PHs. We check on it and its sitting up. Awesome. Killed it and again, his British TH makes the Boreas Cesti drop.

Since we were close enough to the zone to Batallia, I went straight to Jeuno to get my brown belt for my:

that would be leveling into:

Two days of leveling afterwards got me to MNK40 and I was able to do my AF1. I solo'd it, but had to go to Gusgen Mines twice because my stupid ass forgot to bring a pickaxe to pop the NM. After receiving the quest reward I...

My MNK looks pretty cool now in its level 40 gear.

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