God Gear:
Prior to obtaining the Byakko's haidate on the 5th, I had been 1/5 on the god set for a good... 9 months or so. On Thursday, my LS did some Tu'lia farming and killed some gods. We killed Genbu and he dropped his kabuto. Since no one else needed it, I was told I could lot them. The only reason I would ever wear them is for guard skillups on MNK or lolSpiritsWithin on SAM [I haven't had a sword in my inventory in at least 8 months and it doesn't look to be any different anytime soon]. Next up was Suzaku and it dropped the sune-ate. Once again, no one really needed them so I was told to lot them for my MNK. I'm not a chi-whore MNK, but... oh well, something else to add to the collection. Following that was Seiryu, which we had 2 pops for. The first one dropped its kote and w.hands. Kamugi and I lotted for the kote; Kamugi lotted a 990 and I lotted a 6. The w.hands went to a THF who was leveling DRK [60 at the moment, heh]. Something to look forward to, I guess. The second Seiryu happened to drop the kote and w.hands again. I got the kote [which is -really- nice for SAM/RNG] and the w.hands were pretty much free lot. I lotted it and got them for my lolDRG [or mannequin... they're pretty much the same thing. ._ .]. Before they dropped though, I asked someone who had an alt character who already had w.hands if they wanted the abjuration for HQ. They said no because that would be wasting money for a marginal boost on an alt character so it was mine to keep. When the kote reached my inventory, I was finally 5/5 on the god set. Getting 4 pieces in a week after being 1/5 for 9 months... unbelievable, really. We ended the night with a Byakko. I don't remember what the drops were, but all I remember is that haidate was nowhere to be found. At the end of the day, it was pretty obvious that I obtained the title of "Lootwhore of the day - 11/09/2006." lol
Me in full god set.
The day after getting the Seiryu's kote, I decided maybe I should play around with SAM/RNG a bit. You know, get some fun out of the Cerberus bow +1 I have lying around. ;) We did some pop NMs that day and I went as SAM/RNG. I don't have the best WS setup for SAM/RNG, but I'd like to think it's pretty good. During WS, I used Soboro sukehiro, Cerberus bow +1, Kabura arrows Optical hat, Peacock charm, Bushinomimi, Vision earring, Kirin's osode, Seiryu's kote, 2x Merman's rings, Amemet mantle +1, Warwolf belt, Shura haidate and Rutter sabatons [note: now I use Hachiman sune-ate +1]. Anyways, we were doing the Uggalepih pendant NM and I ended up kiting the NM both fights that we did it. One of the RNGs that was there said that I was doing more damage than both the RNGs that were there combined, because I'd be able to WS so much faster. XD My Sidewinders with the Cerberus Bow +1 were comparable to their Slug Shots with Hellfire +1 and generally, I was pleased. I had to use sushi since my r.acc isn't as high as I'd like it to be, but with 230 Archery skill, you can't expect too much. I had 4 Archery merits before, but I dropped them to add 4 H2H merits for my MNK. I also did Despot as SAM/RNG the next day and it did really well. I must say though, Seigan is a lifesaver. It's not as reliable as utsusemi, but when you're not /NIN, it's the next best thing.
My Sidewinder gear. I'm using Demon arrows instead of Kabura arrows because I ran out and there weren't any on the AH.
Hachiman sune-ate +1:
After crafting my own pair of Dusk gloves +1 and obtaining haidate, I started wondering how I could improve my SAM's gear. A few days of brainstorming later, I decided my next goal would be either to craft another pair of Dusk ledelsens +1 for an extra haste+3% or to get a pair of Hachiman sune-ate +1 crafted so I could reach 100TP in 6 hits instead of the 7 hits it currently takes me. On Wednesday, I ended up choosing the latter because no matter the situation, the ability to get 100TP in 1 less hit will -always- be faster than 3% haste. In order to reach 100TP in 6 hits for a SAM75, you need Store TP+21 outside of the Store TP from the job trait. I had +16 [+10 from merits, +5 from Rajas ring and +1 from Brutal earring] so really, the NQ would work just as well [NQ is Store TP+5, HQ is Store TP+6], but there was just 1 problem. If someone were to /c me with the NQ on, they'd probably say something along the lines of: "WTF, you have like over 150m in gear. Whats with the 100k feet?! GTFO!" I guess I'm a little vain, but thats just how this game is. We all know it's the HQs that make Vana'diel go round and fill up [or deplete if you're not a crafter] our gobbiebags.
I knew getting a pair of these crafted would be a pretty difficult task though. For one, the synth is Smithing 95, Gold 51+ [someone got a 0.1 on this synth at Gold 50] and Cloth somewhere in the 40s. This meant that no matter what, you can't get tier 1 on the synth. You can have Smithing 100+3+3 to reach 106, but you wouldn't be able to get 62 Gold at the same time. "Now wait, what if the smither had Gold 68 and got the apron and then deleveled it to 60 and -then- took up Smithing to 100?" You can't wear 2 aprons at the same time so that theory is void. I had to accept the fact that it's a tier 0 synth and it was probably going to take awhile to HQ. The worst part is that each synth is about 80k loss. That doesn't sound like much, but it adds up... especially for a tier 0 synth.
I gathered up enough materials for a batch of synths [as in 12 synths] and asked an old friend, Artemuller if he wanted to help me out with the synth. He was 98+3+3, 54, 60+1. All his crafts were above the synth's cap so it would be the same tier 0 as someone who was 100+3+3, 60+1, 60. On Friday, I got him to do the synths and went 0/12 with 3 breaks. One of the breaks wasn't too much of a loss so I was able to add like a tiger leather and mercury to do a 13th synth and it NQ'd making it 0/13 with 3 breaks. I was expecting it to take a lot of synths [...and a lot of breaks] so I was just thankful that he was willing to do the synths for me.
Once again, I gathered up materials for another batch of synths and since Artemuller was busy, I asked another friend, Skeematic [100+3+3, 60+1, 60] if he could help me out with the synths and he was okay with it. He did 12 synths total. 2 of them broke and the 10th synth HQ'd. It was an amazing moment. I wanted to give him a tip for helping me with the synth, but he was very modest and said "It's all good. Just wear em lots :)" These are definately never leaving my feet when I'm on SAM.
Byakugan's my Bastok mule. Sad thing is... I created it over 2 years ago and it still has the ? by its name. That's not the important thing about this image though. :3
My new TP setup for SAM which accommodates both Haste+17% -and- a 6 hit WS setup.
Dune Boots:
I'm pretty embarassed to say that I've always been wearing Fuma sune-ate for my MNK since I never really had an alternative to it. Dune boots are definately the best feet to wear for MNK, but I just didn't have the heart to make people go to Quicksand Caves to kill the NM for me. Before I even had Byakko's haidate, I was already outparsing 95% of people in meripo and on par with ridill+e.body WARs, so it didn't really seem like Dune boots were necessary. Seeing how I was able to improve my SAM's gear with the Hachiman sune-ate +1, it sparked to me that maybe I should try to get Dune boots to improve my MNK's gear. Yesterday, I helped Amele farm a white steel to craft the pop item for an Uggalepih pendant so later that day, Amele helped me open the galka pad doors and kill some placeholders for the Dune boots NM. We had just killed a set of PH when we had to leave to go camp Aspid. Aspid popped 5th window and it was white for like 3 seconds. Claim-delay patch ate my Provoke and r0 claimed it. After Aspid, the LS did a few Kirins and 2 Byakkos so it was pretty late when we were done. Afterwards, Kamugi helped me get through the galka pads and we killed a set of PH. When they respawned, the NM was up. We had a few people from the LS roll out [Kupo, Zetah, Dea, Yaku and Tatse] and killed it. 100% drop rate so that was cool. I'm thankful I have some people I can count on to be there to help when needed.
My new TP setup for MNK.
This past week has been a really good week for me. I was able to get some things that improved my performance really well and I'm very happy with what I have in FFXI: Friends I can depend on and really -really- good gear. lol
Not counting relic, there are only 3 things that can make my TP gear better for SAM:
a) Shura togi +1/Haubergeon +1 to replace Shura togi.
b) Speed belt/LOLsash to replace Swift belt.
c) Justice torque to replace Peacock charm.
For MNK, the list is pretty similar:
a) Shura togi +1 to replace Shura togi.
b) Faith torque to replace Peacock charm.
c) Bandomusha kote to replace Melee gloves.
Even with that stuff, the difference would barely be noticeable, if at all. One question though. Does anyone read this LJ? Sometimes it feels like I'm wasting my time writing this. Oh well, if anything, it's a good way to remember things. Until next time, peace out.