Filling some gaps about the first war (Appendix A, part 1) - The Death Eaters We Know

Sep 20, 2014 10:13

My series covered the events of the first war until the attack on the Longbottoms. I wanted to add some appendices about the less principal characters, to see what we know about them, in hope to be useful to those fanfic writers who care about canon-compliance. I was going to write one appendix about the Death Eaters and one about the Order, but so far the first entry has been growing beyond proportions without becoming complete, so I decided to break it up. This part will focus on canon information about the DEs that were named in canon, the next part will seek to extrapolate about those that were not mentioned by name (Chuck, Lance and the rest).

We are given names of 29 people who were definitely Death Eaters. I don't count the elder Avery and Lestrange, because we last see them as students in the Slug Club. We do not know if they actually went on to become Death Eaters.

Charateristics of the 29 known, named 1st War Death Eaters:

Gender: Bellatrix Black Lestrange and Alecto Carrow ('a stocky little woman') are described as women. The rest tend to be assumed to be all men. How well is this assumption supported by canon?

I don't think anyone can doubt that Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Peter Pettigrew, Igor Karkaroff or Barty Crouch Jr are men. In addition to having masculine first names they are referred to by male pronouns and other masculine terms such as 'father' (Lucius), 'son' (Barty), 'boy' (Peter) by people who are familiar with them, who have seen their unmasked faces and heard their voices. Walden Macnair has a thin, black mustache. Harry refers to him in male pronouns after seeing him, as does Hagrid. Regulus Black is referred to as his brother by Sirius, as Master Regulus by Kreacher and is seen as a boy in a photograph.

The two who were tried with Bellatrix and Barty are described as men in the Pensieve scene and identified by Sirius as Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange, Bellatrix's husband and brother-in-law. When Harry sees the photographs of the escaped prisoners he identifies them as nine men and one woman (Bellatrix). The men are, in addition to the Lestrange brothers, Antonin Dolohov, Augustus Rookwood, Mulciber, Travers and three men who were never clearly identified in canon.

Similarly, Amycus Carrow is described as a lumpy looking man, and Yaxley as a man with brutish face. Thorfinn Rowle is first described as 'an enormous blond wizard'. Harry doesn't pay attention to Gibbon, as he was already dead when Harry arrived at the battle scene (in HBP), but he is identified and gendered as male by Remus who saw him earlier.

In OOTP Harry thinks of the Death Eaters Crabbe, Goyle, Nott and Avery as male: Harry thinks how in the Quibbler story he had named the fathers of 4 of the Slytherin students as Death Eaters.
"Well ... Avery isn't ... He's in trouble. ... He gave him the wrong information ..."

Until this point Harry never saw the faces of those four, but in the graveyard each one of them spoke, however briefly. Harry could gender them based on their voices.

Another Death Eater Harry hears (in the Lovegood home) but doesn't see is Selwyn, and Harry thinks of him as a wizard.

Jugson, who participates in the Ministry battle is unknown. However many of the participants in that battle are Azkaban escapees. If Jugson is another escaped prisoner then we know he is male, based on Harry's impression from the photographs. If, OTOH Jugson was one of the DEs who remained free then we don't know.

Evan Rosier is neither seen nor heard in canon, but we can assume he was male based on his first name. His friend Wilkes, OTOH cannot be gendered, for lack of information. Wilkes' only mention in canon is: "Rosier and Wilkes - they were both killed by Aurors the year before Voldemort fell." So one can write Wilkes as either a woman or a man. Similarly we lack information about the elder Rosier and Mulciber, who are only mentioned as two of the Death Eaters who had waited for Tom during his interview with Dumbledore upon returning from the continent. (It is possible the Mulciber who broke out of Azkaban was the elder one rather than Severus' friend. In that case we know the elder Mulciber is male. The younger Mulciber is referred to as male by Lily.)

In summary, of 29 named DEs, 2 are female, 23 are male, 4 unknown.

Blood satus and Hogwarts House: We are led to think Voldemort's ideas were especially popular among the pureblood families. OTOH we learn that Severus Snape was a literal half-blood and earlier in HBP (chapter 12) Hermione claims that there weren't enough purebloods for all Death Eaters to have come from among their ranks, that many of them must really be half-bloods. Hermione made her statement before she started researching the possible identity of the Half-Blood Prince seriously, but this is well after she passed the History of Magic OWL. Thus she may have based her opinion on factual knowledge, but probably not on detailed and dedicated study of this point.

The 29 named DEs have 24 surnames in total. Of these, 12 are on Cantankerus Nott's Pureblood directory (ie list of families that were still 100% pureblood in the early 1930s, and thus 'safe' for other purebloods to marry without need for further investigation). These 12 names represent 16 individuals. Note that it is possible some of the 12 families that were still entirely pureblood in the 1930s may have acquired at least one half-blood member over the decades. Also, there are many wizards and witches who are individually pureblood from a family of mixed heritage. And there are pureblood families that became so too late to be considered 'old purebloods' by Cantankerus Nott. (Descendants of half-bloods or Muggle-borns can be purebloods after a few generations of careful or 'fortuitous' mate choice.)

We are also led to believe almost all DEs came from Slytherin House (with the notable exception of Peter Pettigrew). But of the 24 surnames of DEs, only 11 are of families with at least one verified member in Slytherin House. These families produced 15 of the named DEs, of whom 9 are stated explicitly to have been Slytherins, the remaining 6 assumed to be such based on the affiliation of their respective sons, or in one case a brother. 13 individuals (with 12 surnames) are of unknown Houses.

Combining House and blood status information we get the following:

- 9 individuals from 6 old pureblood families associated with Slytherin House: Avery, Black, Lestrange, Malfoy, Nott and Rosier.
- 6 individuals from 5 other families with personal or family association with Slytherin House: Crabbe, Goyle, Mulciber, Snape and Wilkes.
- 7 individuals from 6 old pureblood families of unknown House affiliation: Carrow, Crouch, Rowle, Travers, Selwyn and Yaxley.
- 6 individuals from 6 other families of unknown House affiliation: Dolohov, Gibbon, Jugson, Karkaroff, Macnair and Rookwood.
- 1 individual from Gryffindor, and not from an old pureblood family: Pettigrew.

If at the time the plan was made to appoint the Carrows as teachers in Voldemort-controlled Hogwarts (by early July 1996) Voldemort was serious about his intent to turn the school into an expanded Slytherin House then I think he would prefer these agenda to be promoted by teachers who themselves had been in Slytherin.

Conversely, there is some support for Barty Crouch being a non-Slytherin: Sirius was willing to give him the benefit of doubt. And his grandmother, whose maiden name was Black, had two sisters who married men from Gryffindor-associated families. BTW the mother of these three sisters had Yaxley as her maiden name. Possibly suggesting the Yaxleys were non-Slytherins as well.

As I explained in part seven, Rookwood and Karkaroff were unlikely to have been part of the social network of Tom Riddle's known followers from his early years though both appear to be among the older DEs (based on Igor's apparent unfamiliarity with known DEs such as Nott and on Augustus avoiding all suspicion until Igor gave him up). This supports them being non-Slytherins (Igor may have come from outside Britain altogether, though he must have only joined the group after internal secrecy, in the form of hoods and masks at official gatherings, was established, rather than when Tom returned to Britain).

Age: Four of the named DEs were with Tom at the time of his return from the continent: Dolohov, Rosier Sr, Mulciber Sr and Nott. Of these Rosier and Mulciber may have been old enough to have been the fathers of two of Severus' pals. In GOF Nott is described as having stooped posture, in agreement with him being from Tom's generation (approaching 70). Several other DEs have physical descriptions that indicate old age: Rookwood has stooped posture too, Travers and Karkaroff have gray or silvery hair. Of the implied to have been older DEs the only one we see in the 1990s with no indication of aged look is Dolohov. If he joined Tom while on the continent he may indeed have been younger than DEs like Nott (Antonin may have been born as late as 1940). BTW Dolohov has a French first name and a Slavic-sounding last name. He may have an interesting backstory - did his parents meet at an international Quidditch game? Alternatively, he may have been a schoolmate of Tom's, and his lack of signs of age, even after spending some 14 years in Azkaban shows how awesome and dangerous he is.

Of the remaining DEs, Bellatrix was born in 1951, Lucius in 1953-4, Peter in 1959-60, Severus in 1960, Regulus in 1961, Barty in 1962-3. Avery and Mulciber Jr were at Hogwarts during Severus' 5th year, which means they were no more than 2 school years older than him - born no earlier than September 1957 (but could have been in his year, maybe even a year younger than him, though I seriously doubt the latter). Wilkes and Evan Rosier were also close to Severus in age, but we don't know how close. I'm guessing the Lestrange brothers were not far from Bellatrix's age. If the Carrows were indeed in Slytherin we must explain how they managed to avoid the Ministry's suspicion. This tells me they were neither in Tom's original social network, the one that was known to the brothers Dumbledore, nor were they among the people who were known to Severus well enough to be recognizable while masked and hooded. Perhaps they did not overlap with him at Hogwarts at all (born no later than August 1953). Or they were old enough to have left Hogwarts several years before Severus, and they were not among the people Severus came to know through his friendship with Lucius. If they made very little impression in the Slytherin common room Severus may have not remembered who they were and what they looked like by the time he was compiling lists of suspected DEs for Dumbles. Alternatively, maybe they were in Barty's year (twins?) - only 4th year students in Severus' 7th, easily ignored, and no little chance their build and voice changed much between then and when Severus met them once more as masked DEs. The ages of other DEs are harder to determine. Especially those not from Slytherin, as some of them may have not joined Tom directly out of school.

Fate after VWarI: Of the 29 named DEs:
3 are known to have died before Tom's downfall (Regulus, Wilkes and the younger Rosier)
6 were investigated but got out on an Imperius plea and remained free since (Nott, Lucius Malfoy, Avery, Crabbe, Goyle and Walden Macnair)
3 were investigated, released and captured again (Bellatrix, Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange)
3 were captured and survived in Azkaban until the breakout of 1996 (Antonin Dolohov, Travers and one of the Mulcibers)
3 were never suspected in the first place (Alecto Carrow, Amycus Carrow and Yaxley - we know they were free, and Tom does not call them out personally for insufficient loyalty in GOF, so I think they did not need to make an Imperius plea)
1 avoided suspicion but was caught later, then sprung out of prison to be imprisoned at home - Barty Crouch Jr
1 avoided suspicion until he was handed in by another DE - Augustus Rookwood
1 was captured but was released after testifying against another DE - Igor Karkaroff
1 survived in hiding in his Animagus form - Peter Pettigrew
1 was interrogated but released on the testimony of Dumbles - Severus Snape.

This leaves 6 named DEs whose fate isn't immediately obvious from the text.

We do not know what became of the other Mulciber and the elder Rosier. But we know Albus knew of the connection of the elder Mulciber and Rosier to Tom, and Severus would definitely be able to recognize his schoolmate Mulciber in DE full gear, so I don't believe they could have possibly avoided suspicion. And Tom does not include them in those who need special reproach, so I don't think they used the Imperius plea or any other treasonous tactic to remain free. Leaving the options of death or capture. In Igor's hearing Mulciber is mentioned as a male DE who specialized in the Imperius Curse. That was sufficient information for Crouch to decide that the Mulciber he had in his hands was the one Igor was talking about. Since the accusation was a very broad one (there was no mention of a specific crime Mulciber committed) I think by the time of Igor's hearing there were no longer any free adult males by the name of Mulciber. The other Mulciber is most likely dead, whether he died in the commission of a crime, killed while resisting arrest or died in Azkaban over the years before the 1996 break-out. As for the elder Rosier - if he was Evan then he was killed by Moody while resisting arrest. If Evan was the Rosier who was Severus' friend then the elder one may have been free and alive by the time of Igor's hearing, but in any case, he did not make it to June 1995 alive and free.

We know very little about the fates of Thorfinn Rowle, Selwyn, Gibbon and Jugson (other than that they lived to VWarII). How many of them were in Azkaban in June 1995 and how many in the circle in Little Hangleton? Since we have the name of 7 of the Azkaban prisoners, no more than three can be added to the prisoners.

Rowle is described as "an enormous blond wizard". In the graveyard Crabbe and Goyle are described as "the two largest hooded figures". Does this mean Rowle was not present in the circle, but was in Azkaban instead? After the cafe battle in DH we have Ron identifying the DEs:
"That's Dolohov," said Ron. "I recognize him from the old wanted posters. I think the big one's Thorfinn Rowle."
This sounds like Rowle was not seen in the wanted posters - he was not an Azkaban escapee.

Jugson's only appearance in canon is in the battle of the Department of Mysteries in OOTP. There were 12 DEs participating in this battle, of whom 5 were from among the DEs who plead Imperius (Malfoy, Crabbe, Nott, Avery and Macnair) and 6 Azkaban escapees (the three Lestranges, Rookwood, Mulciber and Dolohov). If we recall that of the DEs that were alive and free when Tom discorporated only the quartet acted to bring him back, we can safely conclude that motivation among the free DEs to fight for Tom's cause was low. Lucius and his fellow Imperius pleaders were under pressure to prove their faithfulness. Bellatrix (and maybe her fellow travelers too) may have actually wanted to participate in a mission to capture the Dark Lord's nemesis. Rookwood must have been recruited specifically for his familiarity with the DOM. I find it hard to explain why a DE with no special burden of proof would volunteer for this mission. Therefore I am more inclined to think of Jugson as another one of the escapees, maybe a member of Lucius' cell that had the misfortune to be captured before Tom's downfall, or yet another member of Igor Karkaroff's cell that was captured before Igor.
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