Did you see
this? I think it's really terrible. Everyone knows the Planet Earth was a guileless and violence-free utopia before its unbroken peace was shattered by the advent of the cathode-ray tube in display technology. I think we should all destroy our televisions -- in a gentle and non-violent way, of course -- just on the off chance that a small child might wander past, glimpse even a second of an episode of Scooby Doo, and then directly become a serial killer. I hope that this way, we can turn back the clock, restoring the world to the halcyon days of, for example, the Spanish Inquisition.
I wonder what the Nazis were watching on tv? I bet it was something really bad, like Power Rangers. There's no explanation at all, otherwise.
I wish people who thought up and promulgated this sort of absurd vulgarity would spontaneously combust. Just, We think children watching 'The Flinstones' is what's caused the upswing in behavioral disorders KABOOOOM! But then, I did grow up watching Disney movies, so that's probably par for the course.
I have a very hot new default icon.
I'm also starting to get over The Epilogue. No, I really am. I recently remembered that Firenze is my favorite Potter character, for example. He has a horse penis. How could you ever pay attention in class if your instructor had a horse penis? I had a difficult enough time when they just had regular, ordinary penises. I also find centaurs in general very interesting. How do they go to the bathroom? In a toilet, like a person, or are there centaur pies all over Firenze's living room floor? Does he have to graze? If he doesn't, how does he maintain the horse body (which would require an enormous amount of energy just to move around)? And what does he do if his ass itches? What does his couch look like? The dining room table? The bed?
I was going to return some Raven King mail earlier -- some of which has been sitting in my inbox for over four months -- and then I realized, to my extreme chagrin, that I have Strange & Norrell all conflated in my brain with a dozen other fantasy books, many of which are dirty. So, before I do anything more in that fandom (or any fandom, probably), I'm going to have to reread the book. Which is great, because it's my favorite book, but sad, because it'll take me awhile to get there.
I'm starting back on kanji again. I'd like to be done by the end of December, but depending on how long I drag my ass on each lesson, it may take me until sometime in January to finish. When I started in June, I'd hoped to have the kanji all memorized by the first week in November, but then, I'd probably underestimated my own laziness, as well as the potential for crappy things to happen. I'm always doing that :[
Today, I bought a large box of Sandman comics at a second-hand bookstore. I didn't know they came in serialized comics; I thought they were just bound up as "graphic novels." I think I might have all of them, actually, although I'm not sure. I plan to read them soon. I call it my Box o' Sandman. The man who sold it to me had very nice long brown hair, the effect of which was ruined because he washes it (I would estimate) once a month, whether it needs it or not. He was an otherwise unremarkable-looking guy, but the potential was certainly there, at least from behind. And squinting. I may go back, and initiate a conversation about various shampoo products.
Well, I haven't been able to sleep for about a week, so I might as well study. I actually like learning kanji, but too many at once can be overwhelming. I learn the hard way, always.
Here's my roster of things to post about, eventually: The Historian, Terry Pratchett novels, CLAMP, gay romance novels, the medievality of BL, Christmas. If I don't write it down, I'll just forget, and end up posting about D.Gray-man again or something. I have a good Christmas post. I'll do that one next.