went to anchorage. . . . . . and this time i didnt get standed!!

Mar 22, 2002 19:07

how is it possable to go on with your life everyday knowing that no one truly understands and then becoming friends with someone that understands and feels the same way you do? its odd cuz everyone says 'i know what you mean' but they truly dont. but then you come across someone that really dose know how you feel and for the first time makes you feel so much better , just because they talked to you about things. its a raleaf and thers a great sense of comfort in knowing that there is someone that really dose understand. they didnt have to do any of the things they did or say any of the things they said , but they did it any way.out of the kindness of there heart. how any one could treat this person the way they have been treated bye people now and in the past is beyoned comprehention to me. if only they knew the mistake they were making by pushing away such an awsome indavigule. there missing out on a great experence and an even greater friend. im sorry to be soo corny and dramatic, but i felt that this person needed recignition. they know who they are and im just going to leave it at that.

good bye and thank you for being there for me when no one else was.

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