Work is getting interesting, I am technically a paid volunteer but am hoping to get taken on full time which requires multiple steps to achieve. Yesterday I photographed the old library building using the two d800 cameras that I built into a stereo camera rig which I mounted side-by-side on a horizontal rail. One of the difficulties that I found with this challenge was camera shake due to vibrations which on long exposures causes the image to look blurry. To remedy this problem it is recommended to use a heavier tripod to reduce the amount of camera shake. Also the settings that I generally used for this shoot were standard at: f-8, iso-100, shutter-speed 1/4 to 5 seconds. I might try to shoot with iso-200 next time. This will enable me to use a faster shutter speed, however after reviewing the shot images I will most likely shoot at f-11 or possibly f-16. Testing will be needed to identify any problems or deficiencies in perceived quality regarding diffraction and other related lens and sensor issues. Also, look for a better stereo rail design for a single camera rig.